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Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:39 pm
by delazar
Hi there,

I remember that in the old forums there was a thread where someone put all the published adventures in some kind of "chronological" order, to be played as one big campaign.

Does someone maybe have it saved somewhere?

thanks in advance!

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:00 pm
by DavetheLost
I know there are a couple of threads on this forum where people have put the published adventures in order for their campaigns. The ones in sources other than Darkening of Mirkwood generally have at most a season and the note "any time after TA 2946".

I have the first few ordered as follows: The Marsh Bell, Don't Leave the Path, Of Jerbs and Stewed Hobbit, Words of the Wise, Kinstrife and Old Sorrow, the Wizard's Man

Beginning in early spring 2945 and continuing through 2947.

I don't expect that my Fellowship will actually be able to accomplish all of these adventures in this time frame, but it gives me an idea of what is happening where at what time. The adventures they don't undertake will become grist for the rumor mill.

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:57 pm
by timb
I think you are remembering the thread I did (there were about two threads iirc).

I am working on an new version of this, using the material from Heart of the Wild/Darkening of Mirkwood books, but for now here's the one I posted quite a while back...


Edit: These new forums don't allow the full size image, so I'll sort that asap.

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:36 pm
by delazar
Yes, that's the one! Thanks a lot.

I'm very interested in seeing your update with the material from the latest books, I am starting a campaign soonish, and it would be a great resource.

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:55 pm
by DavetheLost
I would also like to see the full list. There are now so many adventures that keeping track of where and when they are in time and space makes me feel like I am playing that other C7 game ;)

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:09 am
by delazar
That's what every great game should do!

One book (to rule them all) with rules, and then publish LOADS of adventures!

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:37 pm
by HorusZA
delazar wrote:That's what every great game should do!

One book (to rule them all) with rules, and then publish LOADS of adventures!
Sadly, one of the truths about the RPG industry is that adventures don't make a lot of money.
The intended audience for a typical group is usually just a single person (the GM) and the appeal is often less than a splatbook, bestiary or campaign-setting supplement. As I understand it, one of the reasons for the OGL was to allow WotC to focus on producing big selling D&D supplements and leave the adventure writing to third parties.
Of course some companies appear to buck the trend: C7 & TOR is an obvious example, as is Chaosium and Paizo (at least in their early days). I believe that the reason these publishers can be successful by focusing on adventures is that they produce QUALITY Adventures which (IMHO) is way harder to pull off than an average splatbook.

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:15 pm
by Trotter

When you make your revised chart, would you consider placing the source beside the adventure (Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit (TFW))? As we get more sources, even fan-made adventures, his might be handy.

Thanks a lot for making your list available!

Yours in fellowship,
Stephen "Trotter"

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:07 pm
by Mim
delazar wrote:One book (to rule them all) with rules, and then publish LOADS of adventures!
Agreed. Despite the financial limitations for C7, I sure hope they keep writing new adventures.

At any rate, this chart is very useful for envisioning the relationship of the different adventures & their timelines, & I look forward to your additions.

Re: Published adventures in chronological order?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:10 pm
by timb
For now I've revised between 2946 and 2952. Since this is the end of the mixing in current published adventures and the Darkening of Mirkwood sourcebook, I won't go any further. When we get more adventures to add, I'll update again :) I'm going to include a list at the bottom of adventures linked with C7 but haven't been published as yet, these are mostly Gen Con and other convention adventures.

Exploring Wilderland
Using the Cubicle 7 published adventures with the tale of years

GC: GenCon adventure
LSLTS: Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-Town Sourcebook
TDOM: The Darkening of Mirkwood
TFW: Tales from the Wilderland
TORLB: The One Ring Loremaster’s Book

Suggested seasons for adventures
The suggestions come from the actual adventure set-up information.
The Marsh Bell (TORLB) .................... Early Spring
Words of the Wise (GC2011) .................... Early Spring (after the Gathering of the Five Armies)
Don’t leave the path (TFW1) .................... Spring, Summer or Autumn
Of leaves & stewed Hobbit (TFW2) .................... Summer or Autumn
Kinstrife and dark tidings (TFW3) .................... Any time
Those who tarry no longer (TFW4) .................... Autumn
A darkness in the marshes (TFW5) .................... Sequel to Those who tarry no longer
The crossings of Celduin (TFW6) .................... End of November (Gathering of the Five Armies)
The watch on the heath (TFW7) .................... Immediately after The crossings of Celduin

Annual Events
Gathering of the Five Armies .................... 2946 (Fifth anniversary). Example in The Crossings of Celduin.
Dragontide .................... Held in Lake-Town on 1 November for three days. Example in Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-Town Sourcebook (CB71004a), pp. 14-20.

The Darkening of Mirkwood events
2947 .................... Any time (Rhosgobel) ........... The Wizard’s Man (dealings with Mogdred of Tyrant’s Hill).
2947 .................... Radagast keeping a watch on Dol Guldur.
2948 .................... Midsummer (Rhosgobel) ........... The Folk-moot at Rhosgobel.
2948 .................... Summer ........... Una travels from Dorwinion to Dale, meets King Bard.
2949 .................... Any time (Elvenking’s Hall) ........... The Questing Beasts (Thranduil’s royal hunt).
2950 .................... Midsummer’s Day (Woodmen-town) ........... Secret’s Buried (Black Tarn to Tyrant’s Hill to Dol Guldur)
2951 .................... End of Summer (Lake-Town) ........... The Helm of Peace (to East Bight)
2952 .................... Any time (Any Woodmen town) ........... The Staff of the Roadwarden (Old Forest Road)

Proposed order of adventures from current published sources
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Direct URL (copy and paste URL into browser address): ... 3ffdec.jpg

Please post any suggestions, mistakes, omissions, alterations, etc below. Thanks!