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Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:13 pm
by Valarian
Not entirely sure how I'd do that, but I have chat logs available from other sessions where we've used the chat within Fantasy Grounds to play. ... sp=sharing

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:58 pm
by Aiwendil
Sounds like a solid tool to run virtual sessions.

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:02 pm
by timb
Valarian wrote:Personally, I use Fantasy Grounds - a virtual tabletop. There's a number of online tabletop software offerings, plus things like Google Hangouts (though you'd need to find a dice roller). I've been running a weekly TOR game for about 18 months.

I'll also be running a demo game at the online convention next week. Still a couple of places in the game.

Fantasy Grounds in action:
Now that looks a great way to play across the net :D Thank you for sharing it!
Would someone in the group need the ultimate license or could you have GM and players all on the full licenses? Having said that, if you have one GM and two players it may be better to just get the ultimate license. I'll look into the Google hangouts as well, I have and my colleague has android phones, and so Google accounts. For me the Fantasy Grounds looks great, but I think something more cost effective for my colleague.

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:34 pm
by Valarian
timb wrote:Now that looks a great way to play across the net :D Thank you for sharing it!
Would someone in the group need the ultimate license or could you have GM and players all on the full licenses? Having said that, if you have one GM and two players it may be better to just get the ultimate license. I'll look into the Google hangouts as well, I have and my colleague has android phones, and so Google accounts. For me the Fantasy Grounds looks great, but I think something more cost effective for my colleague.
The way the licensing works is this:
The Ultimate license allows the GM to accept Unregistered player connections.
The Full license is the normal GM license and allows connections from players who have the Lite license or over.
The Lite license is the normal player license. They can connect as a client, not run a game. However, they can run a demo for a single player connection (Lite or Unregistered). The demo campaign is not saved.
The Unregistered license is a way to allow people to try before buying. They can only connect to Ultimate licensed GMs, though they can also run a single player demo.

The bundles mean that it's often cheaper to get a mix of Full and Lite licenses.

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:27 pm
by sondern
Valarian wrote:I'm using a custom ruleset (the customisable interface between GM and the Fantasy Grounds engine) that I developed for TOR.
That sounds really cool. Do you consent to share it? (I do not know if it´s even possible to share it...)
Valarian wrote:Not entirely sure how I'd do that, but I have chat logs available from other sessions where we've used the chat within Fantasy Grounds to play.
Wow! That´s REALLY interesting! A great read! Thank you very much!

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:17 pm
by Vorondor
Does anyone gathers a group for online, campaign- style sessions of TOR? I'm a new player, greatly interested in this game. I would be much obliged if any decent Loremaster out there would accept me.

Please contact me, if you've got a spot in your group, or need more players. I can call some more new folks, too - experienced role players and devout tolkienists.

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:40 pm
by xenophone
Hi Vorodor. I'm also looking for an online TOR game. I sent you a PM.

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:39 pm
by Aiwendil
I find the Fantasy Grounds medium very appealing. Alas, between work and family, I can hardly find even one hour to myself.

Our group (loreseeker, bigsteveuk, chrisgardiner, endarion, yepesnopes, bobusx) is still playing via a board/forum I launched over the summer. The pace is obviously a lot slower, but considering we are scattered to the four winds and all have busy lives, it works best. I should also point out the group I play with is top-notch, which definitely helps feed the enjoyment (shout-out to my TOR crew!).

Still loving the game. VERY, VERY, much looking forward to more offerings in that product line.


Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:49 am
by Warden
Chris Gardiner wrote:
timb wrote:I'm sure on the old forums several people were using software (like Skype?) to form a rpg group and play TOR online via the software - the GM had the printed books and used them and used the software to talk to the group, and there was some form of online dice roller people were using to It was all fair and not someone rolling a d6 offscreen and declaring Gandalf runes all the way. What was it people were using? Was it just Skype?
I'd strongly recommend Google Hangouts. I've done online RPGs as voice-only and with video, and video is MASSIVELY better. You can do conference video with Skype too, but only by stumping up for a Premium account.

As for online die rollers: the online TOR character maker has one. You create a server, get everyone to log in and join the chat log, then all dice rolls are shared. Great piece of software.

I've been running an online game using these two tools and it works great.
I've not actually played, but I've sat and watched, and it's extremely user friendly and easy to use

It simply works a treat

Re: A distant company - using the internet to form a rpg gro

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:03 pm
by Southron
Aiwendil wrote:I find the Fantasy Grounds medium very appealing. Alas, between work and family, I can hardly find even one hour to myself.

Our group (loreseeker, bigsteveuk, chrisgardiner, endarion, yepesnopes, bobusx) is still playing via a board/forum I launched over the summer. The pace is obviously a lot slower, but considering we are scattered to the four winds and all have busy lives, it works best. I should also point out the group I play with is top-notch, which definitely helps feed the enjoyment (shout-out to my TOR crew!).

Still loving the game. VERY, VERY, much looking forward to more offerings in that product line.

And to our awesome loremaster!