Hi Companions!
Let's start a survey: what is your favourite TOR session video(s) available online, and why?
We're particularly looking for videos with a decent quality (let's say minimum resolution 240p, preferably 360p) with either the people playing the game at a table or through a video chat platform.
Has any of you learned about the game or introduced the game to a new player through one of these videos?
Favourite gameplay video
Favourite gameplay video
Amado Angulo Espinoza
The One Ring RPG rules developer and proofreader
The One Ring RPG rules developer and proofreader
Re: Favourite gameplay video
Hi Amado,
back in the day, I really enjoyed James Spahn and company with their 'Company of Wilderland' episodes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPm8t_wE-Gg etc. However, it may be a bit dated now and not necessarily now the best introduction to a new player.
Assuming you are looking to use these as promotional/instructional material, maybe you could persuade some people active on the forum to record a session? I, for one, would love to see zedturtle or jamesrbrown running a session...
ps - why James and co? Check out the hat
back in the day, I really enjoyed James Spahn and company with their 'Company of Wilderland' episodes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPm8t_wE-Gg etc. However, it may be a bit dated now and not necessarily now the best introduction to a new player.
Assuming you are looking to use these as promotional/instructional material, maybe you could persuade some people active on the forum to record a session? I, for one, would love to see zedturtle or jamesrbrown running a session...
ps - why James and co? Check out the hat

A Palantir for TOR: search forum discussions (both current and archived) and beyond...
Re: Favourite gameplay video
Incidentally I happened to be talking to James (Brown) the other day and I mentioned this thread. No promises, of course.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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