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Re: Moria

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:32 pm
by Glorelendil
DavetheLost wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:13 pm

I love the cover. It is the most true to Tolkien depiction of the Balrog of Moria ever!
I would be surprised if that is actually the cover.

And, yet...I would be all for it, if it were.

Re: Moria

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:38 pm
by Stormcrow
voronwe wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:28 pm
About the dual system issue... let Dom & Jon & Francesco decide about that... I'm pretty sure we'll be happy with the outcome.
*shrug* Stat blocks aren't especially prominent in the supplements; making them cover two systems instead of one is not that big a loss of space. Add the occasional boxed text for the "other" system, and that's about all the interference there would be. There's not a lot of system-specific text when describing "This is who lives in the First Deep" and "The mines are over here and look like this."

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:00 am
by kiwihiker
Frankly as an owner of all the C7 assets for both systems, more than happy to have them consolidated in the one offering. Don't know if that will be the approach going forward, but consolidated Minas Tirith/Osgiliath, Mordor, Harad/Umbar/Sea of Rhun, Shire/Grey Havens/Blue Mountains, Forodwaith would suit me nicely.

Flicking through all my Rolemaster/MERP modules, so much material to be explored, so few Friday nights...

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:15 am
by Heilemann

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:39 am
by DavetheLost
C7's Middle Earth stuff is generally light enough on game mechanics that dual stat blocks probably won't be a bother in Moria. I would expect more of a Heart of the Wild setting book, than a "here are thirty new kinds of orcs with stats" monster manual.

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:55 am
by Er-Murazor
This is awesome! I have a real soft spot for Dwarfs anyway and I was impressed by the previous Lord of the Rings RPG Moria box set. Hopefully C7 will be able to reference the various other Dwarf Houses like the Firebeards and Broadbeams who lived in Moria with the Longbeards. It will also be nice if we get a Dwarves of Moria (Balin's Colony) Culture.

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:07 am
by Glorelendil
Er-Murazor wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:55 am
It will also be nice if we get a Dwarves of Moria (Balin's Colony) Culture.
Cultural Blessing: Dead
You are dead as the proverbial doornail. You automatically pass all Valour and Wisdom checks, however it doesn't do you much good. Likewise your common skills all have a zero ranking, but on the positive side you can't gain any more Shadow.

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:28 am
by CryAxe
I already posted my thoughts on the rule system combination/separation in it's announcement thread of the News section.

However, if this box set is anything like the London box set for the Mythos, it will be packed full of gorgeous goodies with multiple books, beautiful maps and perhaps cool handouts.

I guess one question would be: will this be a Kickstarter like the London box set?

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:48 am
by Rich H
Glorelendil wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:07 am
Cultural Blessing: Dead
You are dead as the proverbial doornail. You automatically pass all Valour and Wisdom checks, however it doesn't do you much good. Likewise your common skills all have a zero ranking, but on the positive side you can't gain any more Shadow.
You know, at least two of my players could well be tempted by this, even considering the Cultural Blessing's additional 'features'.

Re: Moria

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:27 am
by Otaku-sempai
Er-Murazor wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:55 am
This is awesome! I have a real soft spot for Dwarfs anyway and I was impressed by the previous Lord of the Rings RPG Moria box set. Hopefully C7 will be able to reference the various other Dwarf Houses like the Firebeards and Broadbeams who lived in Moria with the Longbeards. It will also be nice if we get a Dwarves of Moria (Balin's Colony) Culture.
Hmmm. The Broadbeams and Firebeards probably can't be mentioned by those names, though they could be called the Dwarves of Belegost and the Dwarves of Nogrod.