Insect King wrote:Thank you for not allowing me to play The One Ring by the gracious refusal you disdainfully uttered from your position of self-appointed magnanimity.
I've selected this bit as representative, although it is not the only post that you've made that has generated reports, Insect King.
We strive very hard to have a feeling of community here... a welcomingness that while acknowledging that different folks will value different things about the game, also means that everyone should be respected. Just because this is the House Rules area does not change those basic expectations.
No one here can prevent you from playing The One Ring Roleplaying Game. No one should be telling you how to play the game at your own table. This forum is provided so that enthusiasts of the game can have a discussion about the rules, and it's expected that all participants comport themselves accordingly. In other words, it's fine to talk about rules and tell us what you don't like about a certain rule, or how you would change it. But keep the discussion about the rules, don't let it become personal.
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Let me remind everyone that the hidden strength of the Shire against the Enemy was their friendliness and fellowship. Bickering, taunts and winking asides are the tools of the Shadow to spread strife. Let us be more kindly children of the West and take comfort in good cheer.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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