Deadly Archery

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
Insect King
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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Insect King » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:25 am

zedturtle wrote:No one here can prevent you from playing The One Ring Roleplaying Game. No one should be telling you how to play the game at your own table. This forum is provided so that enthusiasts of the game can have a discussion about the rules, and it's expected that all participants comport themselves accordingly. In other words, it's fine to talk about rules and tell us what you don't like about a certain rule, or how you would change it. But keep the discussion about the rules, don't let it become personal.
Not like this lovely personal message I received?
Otaku-sempai wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:As Glorelendil notes, this kind of thing is probably better left to mathematical analysis than playtesting. It's different when you have a game company and can have hundreds of playtesters, but one or two playtesters are of...skewed usefulness in determining something like this.
Insect King wrote:Thank you for not allowing me to play The One Ring by the gracious refusal you disdainfully uttered from your position of self-appointed magnanimity.
He said no such thing Chris. Stop being a whiny little shit.

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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Rich H » Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:03 am

Insect King wrote:Not like this lovely personal message I received?
You mean the message you received after you made all your nasty little posts that generated all the complaints about you?
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Insect King
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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Insect King » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:02 am

Rich H wrote:
Insect King wrote:Not like this lovely personal message I received?
You mean after you made all your nasty little posts that generated the complaints about you?
I assume you're a moderator of this forum. I presume so since you are the one who warned me that me welcome is running thin.

I am polite and friendly, and I was so until some of you decided to wave-away the questioning newbie as a nuisance.

I do also notice that there seems to be less than ten people posting in this entire forum which is odd because of the amount of people who play the game is much higher. Maybe other fans of TOR have had enough of this old boys' club or maybe it is anecdotal, I don't care. But I do know there are others who have problems with certain members of this forum.

I aim to run TOR and I have problems with the rules, the same problems everyone else talks about except they have been stirring the same problem around and around for nearly two years without some sort of coherent alternatives.

If you want to ban me from your club, go for it, at this point I don't think I expect anything less. I take it that someone is going to be clicking the report button really soon. But if you want to respond as equals and offer constructive criticism, great, that's what I'm looking for.

But I'm not going to let people in high dudgeon patronise me as if they have some sort of authority over this forum.



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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by zedturtle » Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:40 am

If you receive a PM of an unwelcome nature, please report it.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

This space intentionally blank.

Insect King
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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Insect King » Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:51 am

zedturtle wrote:If you receive a PM of an unwelcome nature, please report it.
Thanks but I'd rather just directly address the messenger.



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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Falenthal » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:22 pm

Just occured to me that, if Woodland Bow meddles with every effect that increases the Injury, Damage, etc of an elven archer, why not change the Woodland Bow's effect? After all, its effect is not canonical or based in any quote.

Using the options proposed here, I'd throw in this idea:

Woodland Bow (Bow)
"As soon as the host of their enemies was dense in the valley, they sent against it a shower of arrows,..."

The Silvan Elves have always eschewed the great bows favoured by many folks in the North. They prefer shorter and lighter bows that can be fired easily even under bad conditions, like the dense foliage of the Mirkwood Forest. Their superior craftmanship, along with the elven keen senses, allow their arrows to fly straight and true further than seems possible for such short bows.

A Woodland Bow uses the ranges of a Great Bow regarding reach and, thus, distance penalties.
Moreover, when firing in a forest, at night, or in tight and narrow spaces, the hindrance penalty for attacking with a Woodland Bow is reduced one range (+2TN to +0TN; +4TN to +2TN).

Deadly Archery
"...the arrows of the elves that could hit a bird’s eye in the dark."

Most members of your kin possess a natural talent for hitting the mark when using their bows. You seem to possess that quality yourself, as your arrows find their target with uncanny precision.

When attempting a Called Shot, you may re-roll one Success die and keep the second result.

My main point is that, if we have troubles findind some really "Deadly" effect for the Virtue, is because of the Reward ME have. Changing the Reward opens the possibility for each one of us to use whatever effect we see fit and thematic for Deadly Archery.

Apart from this, I've got no new ideas on this front! :D
Last edited by Falenthal on Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Insect King
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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Insect King » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:36 pm

Falenthal wrote:A Woodland Bow uses the ranges of a Great Bow regarding reach and, thus, distance penalties.
Moreover, when firing in a forest, at night, or in tight and narrow spaces, the hindrance penalty for attacking with a Woodland Bow is reduced one range (+2TN to +0TN; +4TN to +2TN).
Is this instead on the double opening volley? This is the same as a +2 conditional bonus. Does this apply to Woodland Bow only if the player also buys Deadly Archery?
Falenthal wrote:Deadly Archery
When attempting a Called Shot, you may re-roll one of your Success dice, but have to keep the second result.
I had a similar feature where the player could reroll all rolled 1s once. It would probably help take down basic critters but may not prove to be a big bonus against trolls and other big opponents.



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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Falenthal » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:48 pm

Insect King wrote:
Falenthal wrote:A Woodland Bow uses the ranges of a Great Bow regarding reach and, thus, distance penalties.
Moreover, when firing in a forest, at night, or in tight and narrow spaces, the hindrance penalty for attacking with a Woodland Bow is reduced one range (+2TN to +0TN; +4TN to +2TN).
Is this instead on the double opening volley? This is the same as a +2 conditional bonus. Does this apply to Woodland Bow only if the player also buys Deadly Archery?
This is instead of the usual Woodland Bow. In other words, swap the text in the book with this one.
I didn't want to put it as a +2 bonus, because it is intended never to give a bonus to shot, only to reduce hindrances. So, if no hindrances are applied, the archer doesn't get a +2 to his roll (which might be interpreted if put as a "bonus").
It is a Reward in itself. Deadly Archery isn't needed for it to work, as with other Rewards.
Insect King wrote:
Falenthal wrote:Deadly Archery
When attempting a Called Shot, you may re-roll one of your Success dice, but have to keep the second result.
I had a similar feature where the player could reroll all rolled 1s once. It would probably help take down basic critters but may not prove to be a big bonus against trolls and other big opponents.


I prefer to augment to chances to roll a 6 (and therefore, to succeed with a Called Shot), than to re-roll bad dice rollings. For example, if an archer was trying a Called Shot and rolled no 6s, but also no 1s, your rule wouldn't be of help. Mine would.
Not saying that yours is worse or the like, only that considering what I'd like to achieve (because of my likings, nothing else), mine works best for me.
But yours is better if you want to make elven archers overall a bit better with "normal" shots during combat.

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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Rich H » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:29 pm

Insect King wrote:I am polite and friendly, and I was so until some of you decided to wave-away the questioning newbie as a nuisance.
That's not a view I agree with looking at your comments/posts. It appears that people didn't agree with you and for the most part were polite in pointing out why. The first negative comment you made was as follows:
Insect King wrote:Don't worry about it too much, it's just another of TOR's bizarre rules that have no real purpose other than fill pages.
Which can only antagonise fans of the game; even ones that discuss rule additions and alterations. You then moved on to make other comments such as the following:
Insect King wrote:Awww, what a nice straw man and you made it all for me. Thanks.
Insect King wrote:I think the magic item rules are ridiculous. Just make magic items you think are appropriate to the game, let the PCs find them as part of their adventures. Don't make them roll dice to see if they find it. It's so arbitrary and useless.
Insect King wrote:You can still keep playing your game any boring, frustrating and arse-backwards way you want, but I'm still going to run games where players aren't relentlessly punished or taxed just to play the game's story. I prefer they have fun.
Insect King wrote:Thank you for not allowing me to play The One Ring by the gracious refusal you disdainfully uttered from your position of self-appointed magnanimity.
None of these were in response to anything of equal rudeness or nastiness, and for the most part they were in response to pretty constructive comments. Othertimes you just made the statements in general - ie, no response to anyone in particular and/or as a first post in a thread.

Personally, I think the vast majority of the posts here in response to you have been exceptionally pleasant and polite and when you've been nasty they have asked you to tone it down, my post included. Othertimes, with perhaps one or two exceptions (pithy one liners that others have made) they've also been incredibly patient; beyond what I think your above (quoted) posts deserve. Granted we all have to read posts in the best possible tone as communicating online is difficult, that old "talking through a keyhole" metaphor, but some of your above posts are simply blatant attacks, unwarrated by what others stated. Quite frankly, grouping them up into the above list made them really look bad and, for me, showed a continued negative style of posting across multiple threads.

Though, after all that is said, shall we start again with a clean slate? I think everyone here would like to do so.
Last edited by Rich H on Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deadly Archery

Post by Otaku-sempai » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:07 pm

Insect King wrote:Not like this lovely personal message I received?
It was a PM precisely because it did not belong in the public forum. You were NOT being 'polite and friendly' in the post that was being referenced; however, it was not my place to say something about it and I apologize for piling on.

That said, I'm perfectly willing to forgive and forget if you can do the same. This little bit of unpleasantness is over as far as I'm concerned.
Last edited by Otaku-sempai on Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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