Just occured to me that, if Woodland Bow meddles with every effect that increases the Injury, Damage, etc of an elven archer, why not change the Woodland Bow's effect? After all, its effect is not canonical or based in any quote.
Using the options proposed here, I'd throw in this idea:
Woodland Bow (Bow)
"As soon as the host of their enemies was dense in the valley, they sent against it a shower of arrows,..."
The Silvan Elves have always eschewed the great bows favoured by many folks in the North. They prefer shorter and lighter bows that can be fired easily even under bad conditions, like the dense foliage of the Mirkwood Forest. Their superior craftmanship, along with the elven keen senses, allow their arrows to fly straight and true further than seems possible for such short bows.
A Woodland Bow uses the ranges of a Great Bow regarding reach and, thus, distance penalties.
Moreover, when firing in a forest, at night, or in tight and narrow spaces, the hindrance penalty for attacking with a Woodland Bow is reduced one range (+2TN to +0TN; +4TN to +2TN).
Deadly Archery
"...the arrows of the elves that could hit a bird’s eye in the dark."
Most members of your kin possess a natural talent for hitting the mark when using their bows. You seem to possess that quality yourself, as your arrows find their target with uncanny precision.
When attempting a Called Shot, you may re-roll one Success die and keep the second result.
My main point is that, if we have troubles findind some really "Deadly" effect for the Virtue, is because of the Reward ME have. Changing the Reward opens the possibility for each one of us to use whatever effect we see fit and thematic for Deadly Archery.
Apart from this, I've got no new ideas on this front!