Sword Rewards

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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Glorelendil » Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:56 am

zedturtle wrote:
poosticks7 wrote:I could see Bardings perhaps needing a sword as a cultural weapon out of the wilderland cultures, but none of the others.

A case could be made for both High Elves and Rangers, but perhaps both of those cultures would instead, in years gone by, invest effort into magically enhancing their most swanky weapons, so it actually makes sense not to have it as a cultural reward.
The King's Men virtue does give them a benefit when it comes to Swords, so that's something in their favour.

I'm becoming of the mind that Noble Armour should have been a Barding thing, instead of a Beorning thing. I know that when the cultural rewards were first figured up, the idea of Insight providing bonus dice to Encounters was not present, but now Beornings have a tremendous advantage in two out of the three core pillars (and they're no slouches in combat, even if they're easy to hit). So it seems like some rebalancing might be in order.
You no like Spear of King Bladorthin?
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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Angelalex242 » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:22 am

Longsword of King Blad.

Makes ALL the difference. Keen and Fell a Longsword of King Blad, and the Barding would feel pretty awesome, with a crit rate only called shot spearmen can match.

Though I guess the spear would be better if you had an infinite supply of them and could hang back in rearward stance and throw them all fight long.

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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Majestic » Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:31 pm

Angelalex242 wrote:Though I guess the spear would be better if you had an infinite supply of them and could hang back in rearward stance and throw them all fight long.
You could always do what one of my power gaming friends did (in our old CODA campaign). He carried so many spears (with an Elf) that it created many in-jokes at the table about the shoulder mounted rocket-launcher of many spears that he wielded. :roll:
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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Angelalex242 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:28 am

Here though, they're enc 2 a shot, and there's practial limits on how many you can carry.

Even assuming that your rewards are 'one for all' and you can say your spear of king blade keen fell spear is actually 5 of them.

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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Rich H » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:06 pm

Angelalex242 wrote:Longsword of King Blad.

Makes ALL the difference. Keen and Fell a Longsword of King Blad, and the Barding would feel pretty awesome, with a crit rate only called shot spearmen can match.
Think you'd find that to be imbalanced with other Rewards - rolling the Feat Die twice on each close combat attack. Far too overpowered in my opinion.
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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Glorelendil » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:20 pm

Rich H wrote:
Angelalex242 wrote:Longsword of King Blad.

Makes ALL the difference. Keen and Fell a Longsword of King Blad, and the Barding would feel pretty awesome, with a crit rate only called shot spearmen can match.
Think you'd find that to be imbalanced with other Rewards - rolling the Feat Die twice on each close combat attack. Far too overpowered in my opinion.
No no no...a Long Sword of King Bladorthin would only get Advantage on ranged attacks. I say go for it.
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Rich H » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:37 pm

Glorelendil wrote:No no no...a Long Sword of King Bladorthin would only get Advantage on ranged attacks. I say go for it.
It did cross my mind that is what he could have meant but I thought, nah he can't mean that.

Although, I now present for your delectation; the Projectile Sword:

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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Angelalex242 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:17 am

While there is, in fact, a TV Trope that throwing your sword always works...

I did mean advantage on melee attacks, yes.

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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Glorelendil » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:42 am

Angelalex242 wrote:While there is, in fact, a TV Trope that throwing your sword always works...

I did mean advantage on melee attacks, yes.
While way too OP for a reward, I could see it as an enchanted Bane quality.
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Re: Sword Rewards

Post by Angelalex242 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:05 am

Well, most melee rewards are 'on a G Rune, x happens.' Examples of things that happens on G Rune is 'disad on protection, one less protection dice, +4 injury

Giant Slaying Spear just has a flat damage bonus against anything with Great Size.

A similar weapon might have a flat damage bonus against anything with hate sunlight, or denizen of the dark. It might even have a multiplied effect on a creature with both.

Wait! Better idea!

'Sun Sword'

This sword shines like the sun. Whenever a creature with hate sunlight engages in melee with you, they lose a point of hate. They continue losing them if they stay in melee. In addition, any creature with Denizen of the Dark has their extra power from Darkness shut off so long as they remain in melee range.

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