Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

The unique One Ring rules set invites tinkering and secondary creation. Whilst The One Ring works brilliantly as written, we provide this forum for those who want to make their own home-brewed versions of the rules. Note that none of these should be taken as 'official'.
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Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

Post by Azgara » Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:21 pm


The Idea of Erin started a long time ago it just never made its way to paper, but i feel this system is pretty much prefect for what i want to do.

The Idea behind Erin is to give my players a world that has a rich history, that was lost to the ages but something where what the players did changed the future of the world. I like the idea of that not just one set of heroes changing everything but each generation building off the last.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing

Finrod Felagund
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Re: Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

Post by Finrod Felagund » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:24 pm

Wow - an enormous amount of work has gone into this.

From the point of view about the rules, it all looks fine.

I didn't think there was enough introduction about Erin itself. Middle Earth is fairly well known to players from the films so they get the fact that there are hobbits 'n' Goblins and stuff even before they start. Erin is unknown so I would briefly describe in the introduction in the rules. What's the place like? What's the level of technology? Are the inhabitants human or another race? That sort of stuff really.

You did give some history but I'm afraid that I got rather lost in amongst all the names. That section needs be longer and to "breathe" slightly more.

Just my 0.02p

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Re: Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

Post by Azgara » Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:33 pm

Finrod Felagund wrote:Wow - an enormous amount of work has gone into this.

From the point of view about the rules, it all looks fine.

I didn't think there was enough introduction about Erin itself. Middle Earth is fairly well known to players from the films so they get the fact that there are hobbits 'n' Goblins and stuff even before they start. Erin is unknown so I would briefly describe in the introduction in the rules. What's the place like? What's the level of technology? Are the inhabitants human or another race? That sort of stuff really.

You did give some history but I'm afraid that I got rather lost in amongst all the names. That section needs be longer and to "breathe" slightly more.

Just my 0.02p
Yeah the introduction needs some work, it maybe easier in that section to reference books/moves to give ideas. The technology level I have based off what year in Erin it is, but I should give more context of what it is starting out. As for the races, they are in there but the name of the races maybe confusing and with out some art work its hard to tell.

The biggest things im running into is I want to give as little away about the first age of Erin, I want the heroes to find out about the past as the go into the shadow-lands and dig up things form the past. Im also trying make the world alive but give the players allot of room to change things.

Thank you for your words.

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Re: Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

Post by Morgoth » Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:12 am

So is the world of Erin mainly a reskinning of TOR? Looks pretty cool, though.
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Rich H
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Re: Homebrew 'The world of Erin"

Post by Rich H » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:47 pm

Just a head's up to the OP, and sorry to be negative, but large elements of your text are lifted from TOR books. I believe this is a breach of copyright. I'd suggest you remove any sections where you've done that and just release/share the bits that you've actually created yourself.
TOR resources thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=62
TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885

Fellowship of the Free Tale of Years: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8318

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