Glorelendil wrote:The idea of only allowing Foci of certain cultures is bothering me. That feels contrived.
I think it's okay. The way I'd squared it in my mind was that High Elves and other Rangers don't need to be protected in the same way, so are simply equals to the PC in question. I realise a Fellowship Focus doesn't always mean that, it can be 'just' a great friend and friends can be equals, but I've warmed to the idea of Rangers picking their FFs based on a responsbility in protecting the other free races of Middle Earth.
Accepting my above comment, that I think it's okay as-is, I'd look at that and immediately think "okay, what if me and this FF keep changing positions with regard to our Valour/Wisdom ratings". Do they have to be deselected as an FF or is it only when first selected.Glorelendil wrote:How about (this is already complicated...) you take the Ranger's higher Valour or Wisdom, and he can only have Foci whose own Valour or Wisdom is lower. I.e., a 3 Wisdom, 2 Valour ranger can only have Foci with 2 Wisdom or lower. In the event of a tie the Ranger chooses which "type" he is.