Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
No problem, it’s nice to be able to help. Even though I am fairly new to TOR and RPGs in general 

J.J.R. Tolkien do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Sometimes, a fresh opinion by someone not contaminated with rules and mechanics is the best we need.
Don't ever be afraid to post your ideas, Geomtje!
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Anyway, my players wanted to reach Mountain Hall ASAP, so they crossed the forest. 

Ecorce French TOR community
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
I see a spooky/Corruption-based additional hazard in the offing, then!
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TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885
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Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Finally the hazard was about a wolf trap that could have hurt the Hunter, sign of a human presence around.
This is the camp of the out-laws described in Tales from Wilderland. Totally off topic for my adventure, but it could be useful in a future one.
Ecorce French TOR community
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
What I think is important in this situation, as has been said before, is that the players are made aware that them risking to cross the forest allowed the company to arrive at Mountain Hall before something bad happened. They decided to take a risk (an extra Hazard, a more dangerous Hazard, etc.) and, upon arriving to MH, they should get a reward for it.
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Another note is about playing these home-rules with Hobbit Tales's rules for The One Ring.
One consequence, on failing the hazard, doubles the number of Fatigue points earned.
Let's say we're on spring and I failed my Fatigue test : i have to increase my Fatigue points by 4. Using that consequence for the hazard, now I increase them by 8!
Isn't it too much?
I faced this consequence once, in the South of the Forest, so it wasn't that weird (players understood that some places in the Forest were harder to cross than others). But in a "softer" place?
One consequence, on failing the hazard, doubles the number of Fatigue points earned.
Let's say we're on spring and I failed my Fatigue test : i have to increase my Fatigue points by 4. Using that consequence for the hazard, now I increase them by 8!
Isn't it too much?
I faced this consequence once, in the South of the Forest, so it wasn't that weird (players understood that some places in the Forest were harder to cross than others). But in a "softer" place?
Ecorce French TOR community
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
Good catch!
As a quick thought, I'd change the consequences of failing a Hazard with a Fatigue result (4-5):
"Add 1 more point of Fatigue, two on an EoS".
The base Fatigue gain with my rules is somewhat higher than in the RAW, in my experience. Adding just 1 or 2 points is already punishing enough.
Re: Another "New Journey Rules", inspired by AiMe
That's what I think too!

I wanted to share the good impressions by my players about those adjustments on the Travels. It feels coherent and comprehensible for them. They have advanced characters (many have 5 in Wisdom or/and Valour), and it brings more challenge.
Ecorce French TOR community
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
Thoughts about The One Ring : Les Carnets d'Imladris / Notes from Imladris
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