And this isn't something new in the RAW so isn't a mistake, it's deliberate design. For instance, Bardings have something similar with regard to the Dalish Longbow reward. The following is one of the weapon set choices for the Bardings:Falenthal wrote:From the AC:
So, to use a Bow of the Galadhrim, the Bow ability doesn't qualify.Bow of the Galadhrim (great bow)
Therefore, the configuration Sword, Bow, Dagger can't use a Bow of the Galadhrim.
(Swords) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
Here there is no bow group so the Dalish Longbow isn't useful "out-the-box" at character generation.
I'd therefore caution against changing Lorien elves without looking at the impact on other cultures similarly designed.