The true two-handed sword is a relatively rare weapon developed in Gondor to hack through the strongest armour and the thickest troll-hide (Isildur carried a great sword at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields). Because of its great length (up to 180 cm), Dwarves and Hobbits are incapable of wielding such a blade. Elves may use it but prefer more graceful weapons. A two-handed sword cannot be used by a mounted rider and is generally carried slung across the back or shoulders, or hung from the saddle of a mount, as it is too long to wear at the hip. Wielders often use a specialized scabbard or holster that allows the weapon to be easily drawn from behind the back.

Two-Handed Sword:
Damage: 9
Edge: 10
Injury: 18
Encumbrance: 4
Group: Swords
Notes: Two-handed weapon. Not usable by Dwarves or Hobbits (or small Orcs).
Optional rule for long swords: My understanding is that Dwarves are allowed to use swords (one-handed only?) the precedent being Thorin Oakenshield with Orchrist. I suggest that Dwarves may also use long swords, but only as two-handed weapons and only as long as the total length does not exceed their height.