Minor act of necromancy: I reanimate that old thread of mine because now I got the time for a proper answer.
@Mytholder believe me: expressing disagreement without sounding hostile, in a foreign language,
in the internet, is pretty energy-consuming
In the last months I was always writing on the hurry so I avoided the discussion. Tonight I got some time to spare, so let me explain my pov. By the way, I played the adventure 2 months ago, and the players enjoyed it
Mytholder wrote:If you go too far down that line of thought, you'll cut off a lot of plot lines (why save Rivendell? Elrond will do it). Beorn can stop Valter, but there'll be a lot more unnecessary bloodshed if the PCs don't act.
For a more Watsonian take on the situation (....)
I think “that line of thought” isn't so dangerous in Middle-earth and particularly in TOR as in other worlds/games: even mighty Gandalf, Balrog duelist extraordinaire, had to climb a tree to escape some wolves. We know that a lucky goblin arrow can fell Elrond.
My problem is (was) that Beorn is pretty famous for
barrelling through an huge orcish army. Even if Valter is a madman that don't care, sure his men are pretty scared of that beast.
So I thought about a solution: horse archers. Even Smaug was felled with an arrow. And Bolg's orcs were hemmed between three armies when Beorn surprised their rearguard.
If the horse archers can face Beorn in daylight, in open ground, Valter is confident that they can keep the distance and pepper him with arrows till the beast is crippled or exhausted from blood loss. Corrida style, if you want. To this effect, I increased the number of horses in Valter's army (my fellowship is on horses too, so the chase wasn't a problem).
Tactically, Valter aim was to avoid being cornered by Beorn with the back to the river: for this reason it was imperative for him to cross the Anduin quickly and gain the open plains on the east bank. In the end, the heroes, Osred, Ennalda and many others managed to keep the ford long enough for Beorn to re-enact the Battle of the Five Armies...