Woodclaw wrote:On the subject of opening individual Sanctuaries it's something that wouldn't normally allow.
Agreed - I think earlier posts suggest that's the case; that it's more of an exception than the rule.
Woodclaw wrote:In general I think that Sanctuary is a place where a the whole Fellowship is welcome, not just one or two of them. The point in my head is that when the group spend the Fellowship Phase to a Sancturay they can benefit from both the camraderie of the Fellowship and the security of home away from home (one of the reasons why a Sanctuary allows double rolls to get rid of Shadow among other things). Allowing for individual Sanctuaries seem a bit counterintuitive to me since if would make the above point invalid.
I don't necessarily see that as so much of a problem. You can still spend time with your Fellowship members but those that hold the place as a sanctuary get more mechanical and in-game advantages. For example, the one companion that doesn't hold it as a sanctuary doesn't feel as comfortable in the place and therefore doesn't have 'access' to the same undertakings as the others - eg, can only Heal Corruption once rather than twice.
Woodclaw wrote:On the subject of having certain areas being open to certain characters but not others, well, I would like to point out one thing. Imagine that you invite one of your friends to pass a couple of days at your place and he arrives with 3-4 other people from his workplace. This is not something you'll be happy about. This is another reason why I think that opening a sanctuary is a collective effort. The fact that one of my players has a good reputation, or even a holding in one place, this doesn't make all of his friends automatically cool with the locals.
Hmmm, not sure that analogy works as colleagues from work and staying at someone else's place in the modern world isn't really comparable to anything in Middle Earth as such attitudes of hospitality and protection from the perils of Wilderland simply don't exist in our modern western world in the same way that they do in Middle Earth, so I'd suggest that someone inviting some work colleagues over to your place isn't really the same as a character someone knows and welcomes to their stronghold as if it were their home (ie, it's a sanctuary) and who brings along some companions they have fought side-by-side with. YMMV but I really don't see the two as comparable. In addition, my posts suggest there are two different ways this could be applied - both handled differently. As those thoughts are spread out over multiple posts, I'll summarise them here:
1) If one PC held place as a Sanctuary but other PCs didn't, I'd request a test (Courtesy, Persuade, etc) for the PC who holds the place as a sanctuary to allow the others to stay.
2) If one PC didn't hold the place as a Sanctuary but other PCs did, then they could just vouch for that companion.
Like I said earlier, this is more an exception than the rule and was primarily created in my game to allow Gilbrannon (the elf PC) and Iwgar (the woodman PC) access to Thranduil's Halls as a Sanctuary when it wasn't an option for Thogrim (the dwarf PC).