Elven-Lore knowledge

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Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by thewisewizard » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:15 pm

So the rule-book says characters with elven lore know about previous ages. But how far back does there knowlege go
? Would they know about the music of the valar or is that too far back?

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Re: Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by Stormcrow » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:55 pm

Strictly speaking, the Music of the Ainur takes places before the First Age, but the Noldor learned of it from the Valar and brought that knowledge back to Middle-earth, so I would stretch the point and let the character know the wisdom of those ancient Noldor.

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Rich H
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Re: Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by Rich H » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:11 pm

thewisewizard wrote:So the rule-book says characters with elven lore know about previous ages. But how far back does there knowlege go
? Would they know about the music of the valar or is that too far back?
I think it's applicable but you could also apply the rule from the RAW that allows a PC with an appropriate trait to test their skill/knowledge (Unforeseen Action) whereas those without such a trait wouldn't get such an option. That way if you're not 100% sure to allow such a character to automatically know about such a things you at least give them a chance based upon a dice roll. Personally though, I'd allow it if it was something you wanted to add to your game or not if you feel such knowledge isn't appropriate.
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Re: Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by Elmoth » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:10 am

I always applied it as meaning "you know the Silmarillion legendary corpus".

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Re: Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by qwercus » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:27 pm

I always applied it as meaning "you know the Silmarillion legendary corpus".
I second that , it always adds much flavor to the game if players with deep knowledge of Tolkien's works play characters who are skilled in lore and include it into their roleplay. F. e. g. by referring to certain historical battles upon inspiring the group in battle (song or inspire).

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Re: Elven-Lore knowledge

Post by Otaku-sempai » Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:22 pm

From The Book of Lost Tales, I have the impression that most Elves don't possess a detailed knowledge of their own history and legends but, like Men, depend on a minority who specialize as story-tellers and keepers of such lore. Elves would periodically gather on feast-days and other special occasions and listen to their most skilled story-tellers recount tales from the past.
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