This is my first post on the forum, but I am, for some time now, a loyal reader of all your discussions here on this forum. Thank you C7 for a great product and you super board for all of your suport and the fan created materials (especially Rich H.)!
Below is a very rough idea for the simple adventure I am planning with your help to write and later run for one of my TOR groups (I am running two PbP TOR campaigns). This my first attempt to create The One Ring fan material. Please forgive my rusty and broken English (it isn’t my first language), and a Tolkiensque ignorance.
• When: The company may undertake this adventure at any time, but it is better suited as an episode for a somewhat experienced Fellowship (hopefully with some Shadow Weaknesses too ), set in late autumn after 2946 (but before 2951?).… the Werewolf of Mirkwood was aware of the light of the lamp hanging in the great Hall of Balthi. Unable to locate it precisely, it perceived it as a maddeningly painful presence, as its flame burns with a light coming from a hateful past.
• Where: Woodmen-town and the surrounding areas in a Woodmen territory.
• What: The winter is coming and a small settlement, lying in a clearing among the trees where the forest stream heads west, turning before the wood rises into low hills beyond its eastern shore. The hunters of Woodmen-town went for a Big Hunt leaving their homesteads in the protection of the remaining men and woman. The forces of Shadow in Mirkwood are cunning an attack on Woodman-town’s ancient great house to destroy or at least to discover the precise location of the Lamp of Balthri.
The Big Hunt is only the necessity to gather and bolster winter supplies but also a traditional way of coming of age for a Woodmen youth. All boys age 13 and up and the girls if they choose to do so pairs with the family’s grown member in a clan’s hunting parties to track and kill the game and in doing so to come of age in the ways of the Woodmen. The end of the Big Hunt is celebrated on November 1st as a First Day of Winter festival. Since 2941 it has also became a joined celebration of Necromancer’s forced departure from the Dol Guldur where the Woodman played a very important role of a scouts for the army of the Great Council.
• Why: There are several reasons why the companions should feel compelled to stay during the local festivities. First, it’s a great opportunity to spend a winter in Woodman-town. Secondly some of the Fellowship Woodmen Heroes might chose to take part of a big hunt as their family or clan’s youth guardians and patrons in the coming of age ritual. The unfolding events should quickly propel company into action. The defending of the Woodmen-town and its inhabitants in a fight with the forces of Shadow surely will compel the company into action. The importance of Lamp of Balthri might become known to them and introduced first handedly by the Radagast or the Council of the House of Woodmen-town.
• Who: As the heroes might discover during the adventure, the forces of Shadow gathered around the Werewolf of Mirkwood. Since the presence of the Lamp of Balthri is too painful for him for his direct involvement in the planning attack, he ancient wolf with the secret permission of the Necromancer who fled to Barad-dur, summoned The Hound of Sauron (assuming the beast was left in the Mirkwood by the Master). The cunning creature is to organize the main attacking force as well as spy in the area in the process. The Werewolf left his lair from under the mountains of the Wild Wood accompanied by the three Secret Shadows and a swarm of Big Bats where the shape shifting servants of Sauron in allegiance with the ancient beast conceal their presence understanding the will of their Master. The Hound of Sauron gathered around himself a pack of Wild Wolfs and Wargs commanded by the Warg Leader as well as a number of Orcs of the Mountains of Mirkwood.
• How: The Werewolf of Mirkwood is orchestering the plot from the distance and it’s very likely that the company will never be aware of his involvement in the scheme. He will be patrolling the area personally making sure that no word about the attack would leave the Woodmen-town on foot. If the Heroes would play the role of the messengers to Radagast in Rhosgobel or the House of the Woodland Hall, if unlucky, they could have a hazard encounter with the dreaded beast.
Some of the planned by the Beast events:
- As the large force of Woodmen are divided into smaller hunting parties, the a large pack of wargs are to attack a number of them in order to tie them in the forest and kill as many as they can in the process.
In the meantime a large host of orcs pledged allegiance to the Hound of Sauron will storm the Woodmen-town.
During the orcish night attack on the settlement walls, the three Secret Shadows will secretly came to the Woodmen-town. Their objectives are to enter the ancient great house, which is packed at this time with many woman and children, and to spy on the secret location of the lamp of Balthri ( steal it or destroy it if possible).
Before dawn if the attack isn’t successful, before the orcs will be resigned to retreat to the forest and the human hope of near victory will be in its peak, the swarm of bats will descend on the defenders the Secret Shadows among them. They will try to sabotage the weak points of the defenders be it a main gate, part of the wall as well as provide the shadow for the attackers.
The fire in the holy place of the great house could be a source of dwindling hope of the defenders as well as it might divide their numbers in the rescue attempt of their beloved sanctuary, so the Secret Shadows will try to accomplish just that.
Like I said in the beginning, English is my second language, so please forgive me my odd style, grammar errors, etc.. I tried my best to write in a foreign language. I would appreciate your thoughts and comments a lot.
The setting of the adventure before Darkening of Mirkwood to be coherent with the plots from the Tales of Wilderland should probably involve the Gibbert King character rather than Werewolf of Mirkwood in a secret blessing and help from the Sauron but again maybe it’s just my gut feeling. Before my group will meet Werewolf in the DofM I wanted to give it a try a bit earlier. Do you think this kind of plot would be possible?
Originally I planned the attack on Woodland-town using corrupted Shadow Men that used to be a Woodmen but fell under the influence of the Gibbert King. I am not sure if the Warewolf of Mirkood as a beast or the Hand of Sauron could manipulate the men hence for now I excluded them from the adventure. However, I think that the form of beautiful women of the Secret Shadows might have a chance to accomplish just that, (maybe even with the shadow weak hero) but again I would rather to listen to your suggestions before I incorporate that into the planned adventure.
The other thing I am uncertain of is if the Gibbert’s King magic could animate bodies of returning form the hunt small hunting party fallen in the ambush or at least control their will to make them open the gates/fight with the families. It would déjà vu for the company taking part in the adventure of “Those who tarry no longer” if the Heroes would recognize in returning Woodmen tactics of the Necromancer. I wonder what would be their conclusions and the further actions.
Some more Qs:
- 1. Could the motivation for a Gibbert King to destroy or get into the possession of the Lamp of Balthri be connected to the Werewolf of Mirkwood? Would the Dark Spirit of Dol Guldur try to make friends with the Beast or maybe try to destroy the rival? Would the magical blue light give him any source of power or maybe he would rather also like the Werewolf be looking to get rid of it? Would destroying the village and killing/enslaving the inhabitants be more important for the Gibbert King than the matter of the Lamp?
2. Would the burning down of the ancient great house destroy the Lamp? I imagine that at least the ancient magical lamp, if not the holy building protected by the its or Radagast’s spells, would have some kind of an insurance against mechanical or due to natural hazards damage? It's been held in the depths of the Dol Guldur becouse it was precious to Sauron or maybe he couldn't destroy it?
3. The other question is whether the Lamp of Balthri has the same effect on other foul creatures as on the Werewolf of Mirkwood? If so, the idea of Secret Shadows coming close to spy on its location seems silly. Did I understand the pain inflicted on the Werewolf of Mirkwood by the presence of the lamp of Balthri correctly? Can he come close or in physical touch with the relic without penalty to his actions? Or maybe the creature is just annoyed and tormented psychologically and the text should be taken by me metaphorically?
4. I figured the Woodmen-town thanks to Radagast (quite often present in the area) might have some magical ways to inform him or the other houses about the assault. The rescue should come quickly in that event, especially from Woodland Hall being 40 miles north. If that is rather unlikely the Woodmen might have their own, non-magical alarm system, no? Be it fireworks (kind of magical too – but maybe some Gandalf’s ancient time resistant presents) that would start off the runner with a message (man or hound) from his tree post/den a few miles away or maybe just a raven or other bird like pigeon? (Assuming the Big Bats could intercept the bird leaving the village while under the siege).
5. Do you think the dark magic of Gibbert King could (in case of the Bout of Madness) corrupt/manipulate a Hero with a certain shadow weakness to steal /reveal its location in Hall of Bathli? Should I interpret the blue lantern being suspended in chains under the roof in a plain sight or rather hidden far from it and displayed on a rare occasions?
6. I was also thinking about Gibbert King or Werewolf of Mirkwood having a human spy in the Woodmen-town for a some time before the assault or maybe even a permanent resident living in the village for years since planted/corrupted by the Sauron just before his departure to Mordor. I guess given the circumstances the Woodmen are reluctant to accept newcomers into their clans but surely it wouldn’t be impossible. But I wonder how long it would take for a visiting Radagast/Gandalf/Saruman or any visiting elf to discover such a spy right away? Could there be a human/animal magically designed "sleeper". ?
7. What size of the settlement would the village of Woodmen-town be? I imagined it the smallest of the forest towns, but if adventure is played close to the Darkening of Mirkwood, the population could swell with the returning home/relocating Woodmen. Anyway, the rough number of the able bodied people and hounds that could put up a fight would help me to divide them between the hunting party and home leftovers, run the battle, forest ambush, and set the number of adversaries. I think some other Woodmen and maybe even foreign traders would be coming for the festivities but since it’s the smallest of the three towns in the area, those other two would probably attract bigger numbers leaving a few visitors for Woodland-town that probably isn't as well suited to accomodate a big crowds for the winter.
8. What would be the attractions for the First Day of Winter? (Can you think of any more suitable/better/Tolkien proper name for such festival/holiday for that culture or Northmen in general?)
- - Attack on Dol Guldur Feast
- Coming of Age Ceremony Event(those who tracked and killed the game this year on their own – let’s say one clean shot)
- Big Hunter Ceremony Event – the owner of the biggest/best hunted down game during Big Hunt
- Hound Racing (maybe with children jockeys on their backs?)
- Archery Tournament
- Camouflage/Elusive Competition
- Animal Sounds Imitation Competition
- Festival of the Song
- Herb Collection Contest
- Meat Eating Contest
- Balthi Terrain Race (with the flame)
- Axe Throwing Tournament
- Shield Race Competition (probably better suited for Bardings or Beornings)
- Fairest of Them All Contest
- Tree Climbing Competition
I would appreciate all your thoughts and help!