I don't think there's a better way of doing it. In some games, where I have two (or more) mechanics to solve a PC action, I might even change the mechanic I use depending on the situation.
To give you an example: I've played HARP for a while, and there are different ways of solving combat. Some are faster and some are slower, but more accurate. Well, with the same group and in the same campaign, we used choosed two of the mechanics, the fastest one and the deadliest one. For combats against small foes (goblins, wolfs,etc.), we used the fast combat system. When facing challenging foes (bosses, trolls, etc.), we used the deadlier one to motivate more tactical thinking and to feel the risk.
No system was better than the other, but each one had it's own purpouse for us. And then again, another group playing HARP might choose one of the other combat systems and never use the ones we did.
That said, and following the idea of Rich, I'd suggest you only work on a detailed Holding HR if you're motivated to and feel the need for your campaign. Even if it's a superb house rule, some people will say "Yeah, it's amazing! But I want to keep it easy and won't use it." or "I only get to play with my group once every two months. I'd like to use your rules, but we can't spend time on Holdings, we want to go adventure!".
Don't ask others what they want, ask yourself what is it that you want to do.
And if you do it, be sure to post it so I can take a look at it!!