Hermes Serpent wrote:I'm confused. How would someone know that they had not understood a rule or concept unless they frequented a forum and saw alternative interpretations?
Because the rule was vague or poorly explained to begin with? Whether from bad wording or poor organization, or simply vague wishy-washy rules that require too much interpretation. You're mistaking 'misunderstanding a rule' with 'not understanding a rule'.
Hermes Serpent wrote:How are Encounters too rigid? I see plenty of requests for guidance on how they work because they don't seem to be structured enough by the requesters and if they were rigid surely everyone would be able to follow the railway line from start to finish?
For a number of reasons:
1) They bring structure and rigidity to the situations that are normally guided mostly by actual role playing. That's good of course because it means that it is the character, not the player who has strengths and weaknesses, and as such it is truer to the fiction of the game. However, in actual play I've run into several situations where a player will role play his heart out, and according to the way encounters are set up, I'm supposed to nevertheless ask him to make a skill check for what he's trying to do. Now I can mod that based on his 'performance', and that's generally acceptable. But last time we played we had just that situation, and the player was so convincing that I couldn't in good conscience ask him to roll, because it would ring hollow if he then ended up failing. That's a classic RPG problem of course, and I respect that TOR attempts to tackle it; but it's problematic nevertheless. On the flip-side, if you enforce the system too much you're also beating the role playing out of the situation, and it becomes a series of "I try to Awe him to do so-and-so", rather than it being acted out.
2) Not all social interactions are Encounters. But it's unclear which ones are supposed to be.
3) Starting an encounter feels very mechanical. There's no mention of what happens if in the middle of an Encounter where a spokesperson has been chosen someone from the group pipes up about something.
And "Just LM your way out of it" isn't an answer when we're talking about the core text that is supposed to teach people how to run the system.