Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

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Rich H
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Rich H » Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:17 pm

doctheweasel wrote:I don't see the issue in allowing them in a starting party either.
Me neither. I think, based on what we have here, the mechanical disadvantages of playing a Ranger or High Elf look to balance the greater 'raw' power at their disposal.
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Glorelendil » Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:30 pm

The difference here, I think, is that the disadvantages of Noldor and Dunedain mitigate their advantages, but it's impossible to say whether or not they are "balanced" with the existing cultures.

In the D&D forums that would be a source of endless debate and hand-wringing. Hopefully folks in these forums care about other things.
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Rich H » Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:40 pm

Elfcrusher wrote:The difference here, I think, is that the disadvantages of Noldor and Dunedain mitigate their advantages, but it's impossible to say whether or not they are "balanced" with the existing cultures.
I don't think it's 'impossible'; with the Ranger's inability to access the Fellowship Pool, for instance, we can all use our experience with the game to know what a disadvantage this will be to that particular culture. There's no exact maths formula that can easily be applied in the same way as how we could when, say, comparing the point builds of cultures but that's not the only way that balance can be baked into a system.
Elfcrusher wrote:In the D&D forums that would be a source of endless debate and hand-wringing. Hopefully folks in these forums care about other things.
D&D is not the only fruit. Thank <insert deity or celebrity you're most comfortable with naming>!

I quite like balance in games that isn't always immediately obvious; I think you do too considering previous comments about armour and the like, as do many others on this forum. So although the two new cultures may no be balanced when compared in isolation to other cultures on a point/build/what-have-you basis, they are when you look at the limitations of Hope usage etc. Ergo, mechanically balanced.
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Glorelendil » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:05 pm

Yup. If balance can be "proven" then it's not very interesting.
The Munchkin Formerly Known as Elfcrusher
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by watley » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:34 pm

I think the classic line used in the description covers any so-called 'balance' issues.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by zedturtle » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:43 am

Very interesting. I like the disadvantages, they're good and thematic. We will see about the final results... I already have at least one player chomping at the bit to play one a Noldo.
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Yepesnopes » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:14 am

Me and my friends have long played MERP and Warhammer 1st ed where there were clear unbalance issues between player character races. We have been always fine with it.

Similarly, I tend to kill PCs quite often, so parties are a mixture of new PCs and old experienced PCs. That has not been an issue neither.

I have never cared about mechanical balance in a RPG, in my opinion this is a concept that has sense in computer games, not sure in RPGs. What we as GM have to care is that each PC has his moment to shine during a session, no matter how good or bad he/she is, make him/her feel important and nobody will care about the balance between the Noldor and the Woodmen.

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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by Yusei » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:47 am

doctheweasel wrote:I don't see the issue in allowing them in a starting party either.
I see one issue: the game tends to favour those who roll a lot, and if one member of the party is noticeably stronger, he will do more, and may rob the weaker players of their APs.

Of course, an experienced and careful LM can avoid that, but it's extra work, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it for a first TOR game. OTOH, if you've already played and you want to introduce new people to the game, having an experienced friend play an Aragorn-like mentor could work very well.

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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by bluejay » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:25 am

These previews are awesome. I have to say that I think a Cubicle 7 have done an amazing job of capturing the feel of Third Age Middle Earth beautifully. The way that the rangers and high elves are presented as exceptional further vindicates their decision to start with the lower powered characters of Rhovanion IMO.

Consider me a huge fan! This game got me back in role playing after a significant hiatus and continues to impress me with each now release! Well done guys!
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Re: Rivendell Preview 3: Rangers and High Elves

Post by watley » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:09 pm

bluejay wrote:This game got me back in role playing after a significant hiatus and continues to impress me with each now release! Well done guys!
I'm with bluejay. This is the game that has ushered me back into rp'ing after too long a break.
This is also my current favourite game. Bring it on, C7 and Francesco, you legend.

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