I will go away and read this in more detail, but for now my response to this is:
Bravo for doing, but please consider the following:
1)You need a set of 'generic' rules that would work in any Underground setting, such as those suggested in "Of Herbs and Stewed Hobbit" from TfW
2) You need some specific 'Moria' rules that only apply to Moria (or specific to the setting chosen).
For instance, my initial reaction to your post was "Where are the fabled bridges and traps of Moria? I thought this the best thing about ICE's Moria supplement for MERP (especially the notorious Wheel Trap!) and Decipher's Moria Boxed set was also pretty good - they did lots of 'random' maps - very useful!
I wrote out a Decipher adventure set in Moria based on a really useful Solo adventure I heartily recommend, ICE's "MInes of Moria" which really captured the flavour and descriptions well, made it easier for me as LM. This adventure I have not yet 'got around' to converting to TOR yet, but if you are interested I could post it to you.
Some examples that you might find useful:
The PC's stumble upon one of the fabled Dwarven forges! One PC then finds a ring! Corruption Test to see whether they tell the other PC's about it!
One of many dwarven bridges blocks the PC's way. Like all Dwarven bridges it has no handholds etc. Valour test required for all PC's to cross. Oops, they didn't check if it was trapped first! (Awareness or Search, Craft to Disarm)
I did also try to duplicate the 'stifling feel' of Moria by requiring all PC's to make an initial Valour test - a failure with an 'eye' means that character has a phobia about being Underground and can't wait to get back out!
I personally would prefer you to keep things like provisions, torches etc. as Hazards (Scanty/Spoiled Provisions, Sudden Wind, etc - see my Desert Guide or Rich H's guide for ideas! It is hard enough LM'ing without having to track torches or other types of equipment - one of the things i like about TOR is I don't have to do this!
Robin S.