by DavetheLost » Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:59 pm
I think either a game campaign or an althistory taking as its point of departure Smaug not being killed over Lake Town would be a very interesting one.
The immediate question would concern the fate of Thorin&Co and thus the Ring. Would they escape the Mountain, which would allow for the LotR story to unfold with some changes to account for the possibility of Smaug rather than Dain as King Under the Mountain, or would they be slain by Smaug? Either way there would be no Battle of Five Armies.
If Thorin&Co were slain by Smaug, what of Bilbo and the Ring? Bilbo might be able to use the Ring to escape. If he did not and the Ring came to Smaug, what then? Gandalf opined that there was no dragon in Middle Earth whose fire was hot enough to consume the Ring. Would Smaug be able to use the power of the Ring? I do not think he would willingly turn it over to Sauron. Dragons are naturally covetous and the Ring seems to increase this in other owners.
If I were to run it as a campaign I would have Bilbo return, eventually, to either Rivendell or the Shire, with the LotR quest occurring earlier, probably with Bilbo as Ringbearer. Smaug would likely be courted as an ally of Sauron, Lorien would be under further threat...