by Glorelendil » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:09 pm
Ok, to sort of get it back on track...
I was thinking about the case in question, and somebody's reference to "tank" and "dps". I do wish there were some kind of option for tanking that didn't involve spending a point of Hope for each attack. It's fun to be able to build a character that is able to take some abuse, versus one that is designed to strike hard and leap away. But then neither is more likely than the other to be engaged by opponents. Personally I'd like to see some kind of options for 'influencing' adversaries.
Some thoughts/ideas (not all of them compatible, and not in logical order...):
1) Such a system shouldn't guarantee that the tank gets all the aggro and the dps gets none, but it should bias things that direction.
2) If it's based on a common skill, which one? 'Awe' could potentially be used to convince adversaries you're the greatest threat, but it already has a combat use and it would become too important for defensive builds. 'Battle' might apply to knowing how to 'get in the way' of adversaries. 'Riddle' might be used to provoke and enrage them. Song? Persuade? ("I'm going to use my Courtesy: 0 on the orc." "Nice roll; he's so insulted he decides to attack you instead.")
3) Unlike "Protect Companion"; the mechanism wouldn't guarantee success, but it would last either X number of rounds (2 per success?) or until something else in the fight changes. So instead of 'taking the bullet' for your companion, you're actually convincing the adversary to change targets.
4) It should probably only work on one target per use, and can't work on additional targets once the maximum that can engage the tank at one time is reached.
5) Yes, this would change the overall 'power' of Fellowships. See addendum below.
6) Maybe relevant Enemy-lore should result in auto-successes? Or increase number of successes or reduce TN? (Orc-lore, Spider-lore, Wolf-lore, etc.) Especially if it's based on Riddle.
7) This does suggest a new Enchanted Quality: something that makes 'taunt' more effective or less expensive (e.g., allows you to use it without losing your attack, if that's what the cost is.) I guess Artefacts could boost the skill in question, too. (The same way that an artefact can boost Awe and a weapon can remove the cost of Intimidate Foe.)
8) Does it work on ranged attackers? I think so.
Addendum: Don't like that this makes fellowships more powerful? Kill two crebain with one arkenstone and also implement the following: when computing damage from extra successes, you don't get any bonus damage in Defensive, you can only have one extra success in Open, and you can have both extra successes in Forward.