Someone upthread recommended color-coded tabs attached to the roles (eg green for hunter, blue for scout, red for guide, or something along that line).Rich H wrote: You'd struggle with a deck of 'random draw' cards though as hazards are based on the roles of PCs within the journey - eg, guide, scout, look out, hunter. You'd therefore need piles of cards based on role and then there'd be the terrain and circumstances to consider. A random draw may not be without it's problems so to resolve that you'd have to create some kind of system for identifying them, and if that system becomes too difficult to remember or reference then that could negate any benefit of having cards in the first place. Not insurmountable, but potential challenges nonetheless.
But sometimes a pure random is a pure random - irrespective of a given role. Say the LM doesn't know "who" should be the target of the hazard - so a random hazard selects the role at random as well.
It also could be a way for a LM to plan the game during his writing stage for a "planned" hazard, but unsure what exactly to call for.....reach for deck and randomly draw, write into the story, voila!