Corruption Tests and Shadow

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Re: Corruption Tests and Shadow

Post by Corvo » Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:27 pm

Rich H wrote: (...)
I've looked at it in a different way... There aren't enough things to spend XP on, not that XP accrual is too fast.

So, in my campaign there are other options to spend XP:

* Might - an extra characteristic similar to Valour and Wisdom
I feel the same. In my campaign there is Defence, an extra (weapon) skill that takes the place of Parry.

Can you explain what Might is? Or can I found it in your latest rules compendium?

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Rich H
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Re: Corruption Tests and Shadow

Post by Rich H » Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:51 pm

Corvo wrote:Can you explain what Might is? Or can I found it in your latest rules compendium?
Yep, check out the Player Rules document I just posted on the resources thread. Rocmistro did most of the initial work but I altered to fit my requirements.
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Re: Corruption Tests and Shadow

Post by Glorelendil » Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:41 am

Oh funny I'm including "Might" in a variant I'm working on. Popular word.


I think your group is ready for some of the vast dungeons hinted at in Rivendell.
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Robin Smallburrow
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Re: Corruption Tests and Shadow

Post by Robin Smallburrow » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:12 am


Some suggestions for you how to deal with more powerful PC's:

1) Use some of the suggestions in the 'Powerful Adversaries' chapter in Rivendell for beefing up adversaries

2) Get tougher with XP & AP handouts in future - as per the guidelines on dealing with Rangers of the North & High elves, you can make good arguments about how gaining further points gets harder. In fact the section on the new cultures has some good advice generally

3) Definitely use the Eye of Mordor stuff from Rivendell to make all of Middle-earth a lot nastier!!

4) start hitting your Defensive-minded PC's with a few surprise ambushes ( Attercops anybody???)

Get creative with how you use your NPC's and adversaries! If used properly even a bunch of low-life orcs can be a handful - you need to ask "How can I use these guys to maximise their advantages and minimise their weaknesses?? (Look at things from the bad guys POV??)

Robin S.
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Re: Corruption Tests and Shadow

Post by mica » Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:13 am

Yup, the eye really makes a difference.

I used the Eye for the first time - they started with 7 (3 characters, 4 valour each and a magical sword - cursed with hunted -4 to hunted threshold - nice to finally pin down the effects, cheers Rivendell).

Left the blighted region with just one point of shadow and increasing the hunt to 8.

Entered the darkland, immediately triggering Revealed.

I saved the event for when they reached snow troll valley and made them all weary until they crossed. :evil:
(see other post on Snow Trolls and everybody forgetting about Called Shot option).

So now they have crossed the valley the hunt has reset and they are back down to 7 hunt and just one sauron or shadow and - BANG, they are revealed again. This mechanic has definitely increased the challenge.

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