Im planning on running this soon and would be delighted to see what you have got. I could playtest it and that would give more ideas or work out some of the kinks.Indur Dawndeath wrote:I am sort of done with the Escort of Una, but is struggeling with the conversion to an adventure for everyone. All I needed was a bunch of notes to play the scenario. I lack all the flavour of the TOR adventures...
Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:05 pm
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
- Indur Dawndeath
- Posts: 467
- Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:30 pm
- Location: Denmark
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
As requested:
It is still a draft, and not very nicely presented. Looked better in Word... Hope you can use it.
It would be fantastic if it could be finished though.
I would very much like to hear what you guys think...
Once it is finished, it would be nice to see it on TOR style paper. If anyone could do that?

It is still a draft, and not very nicely presented. Looked better in Word... Hope you can use it.
It would be fantastic if it could be finished though.

I would very much like to hear what you guys think...
Once it is finished, it would be nice to see it on TOR style paper. If anyone could do that?
CheersUna, merchant princess escort.
The Heroes are hired by King Bard to travel to Erlands Ferry, where the merchant Princess is going to cross the Carnen (Redwater).
Rich’s Dale supplement used for locations, Bards councillors and hazards in the Dale lands:
Erland's Ferry (250)
North of Buhr Naurthauja, on the eastern side of the Redwater, lies the village of Erland's Ferry. This is a Dalish settlement, built around the nucleus of an old Lakeman trading post. The master of this settlement is fat and jolly old Oyvind, a direct descendant of the settlement's founder. Oyvind finds himself under pressure from the Easterlings who have crossed the river, further downstream and captured settlements there.
Despite his immense dislike for Gaisemund, he is thinking of how best to get military aid from Buhr Naurthauja without becoming 'too' indebted to its odious Lord.
The Middle Marshes
Between the Village of Celduin and Buhr Naurthauja is a fenland known as the Middle Marshes. This region is known for the small bands of river pirates who make their home on the myriad of small islets hidden away among the reeds. The fen is also rumoured to be the home of other, darker, things that attack trading vessels in the dark of the night. Wise Captains and Traders cross the Middle Marshes in the daylight hours.
1 Scene: Meeting with King Bard (Tolerance for this is Valour)
Courtesy / Awe TN18(-1/Standing) (There are many others who want to participate…)
Introduce yourself and the company you lead.
Persuade (To debate how many men is necessary, how best to avoid dangers, how to treat the princess, how to travel by boat or by horse)
Take part in the debate as opposed tests against the other councilors and merchant captains present.
Lore (To plan the route. Knowledge about the towns and the Easterlendings)
Use your knowledge to point out flaws in the proposed route.
Inspire (To calm the merchants, not to fear a diplomatic crisis, if Una is attacked in Dale Lands)
If this fails, the merchants will insist that Elstan First Captain of Dale lead the escort.
Awe (To gain the position as leader of the company)
Opposed the other mercenary captains. To win the title you need to gain the other captains support. Most importantly Elstans support. This is easier if the player have already confronted their rivals before the meeting with King Bard. Each can be persuaded with Treasure or favorable positions in the Escort. Elstan can be persuaded as a separate encounter if the players score 7+ successes.
• (0-1) The men and you are grunts, with no authority in the decision making for the trip. Bard does not consider these men and their leader to be more than cannon fodder.
• (2-4) Bard accepts your contribution and will reward you with 1 treasure, after completing this mission and your holding (if related to Dale) will benefit from a +1 to End of Year roll.
• (5-7) Bard respects your contribution to the guard, but does not trust you to lead the escort of the merchant princess Una. You are part of the leadership and hold the rank of captain of your contingent. You will be rewarded with 3 treasures and a +2 to End of Year roll
• (8+)Leadership of the guard for the princess requires Standing 3 or more.
And a total number of successes 8+ in the social encounter. (+1 standing for the person elected leader. As the commander of the escort you receive 5 treasures and the holding will automatically increase by one point.
Opponents in the debate:
Master Ulfred of House Tarm: City official. He is concerned about the crisis that will arise if Una is attacked. He argues for a very large escort and for the Kings guard to participate.
Gerrard, Captain of Harbour watch: He will argue for a trip by boat to get the princess. And for Brethil, the Captain to lead the expedition.
Brethil, the Captain: He will argue for the use of boats, and will lend 3 Cnarras to the mission. He want to lead. He will argue for a small force, since the space on his boats are limited. Attribute 6. Awe 3, Persuade 2
Margös, merchant prince. Ambassador: He will argue for a land escort, since Una will expect this and she may have a large entourage. Attribute 4. Persuade 3
Elstan, First Captain of Dale: Will argue for a land expedition. Horses and archers.
Forlin, Guildmaster of the guild of Gold: Worried citizen. He will question the capabilities of the escort. And argue for that Elstan, First Captain to stay at home to protect Dale. “Not all is safe here…”
Harald, Captain of the Red Banner mercenary company: He will argue for a land expedition and himself as leader. Attribute 5. Awe 3
Beldir, Spokesman for the Free Mercenaries. Secretly in league with Valdis. He intends to be accepted in the escort and when the time is right. At night on the return trip. He will slay the guards, signal his outlaw group and Valdis. Using her Raven “Eyeeater”. Attribute 4. Riddle 4
Doran, the Quick. Mercenary captain: He is indifferent about the route. But is interested in the reward. He learns that the rank determines the reward. Attribute 3. Awe 2
Grunt: no treasure, just work.
Group leader: 1 Treasure.
Contigent captain: 3 treasure.
Escort leader: 5 treasures.
2 Scene: The trip to Erlands Ferry (4-5 travel rolls by the Guide + Each assignment rolls. Fatigue to all)
The escort consists of: Red Banner(Travel), Brethil’s men(Explore), Doran the quick(Hunting), Beldir(Awareness) and other free mercenaries and perhaps the kings guard.
The Escort Leader assigns a company to a travel position. The Leader is automatically the Guide.
The other companies have a favourite skill listed (Rank 3), non favoured (Rank 2), it is up to the leader of the Escort to chose the right position for the other companies. Everyone will gain 1 fatigue on failed rolls. Everyone rolls their assignment.
(Beldir will try to get the Look-out job for his company, because he plans to betray the escort later. He will not know any specific details, before meeting with Valdis' raven Eyebiter on the road)
Hazards on the road… there is plenty opportunity for trouble. Each may be averted by appropriate intervention.
Supplies (Hunter) Supplies have been spoiled. Hunters are required to salvage supplies or hunt for new
Trouble (Guide) Another member of the escort has a quarrel with a random member of the party. Awe is needed to get the big redheaded bully Hrothgar in line (Brigand +1 attribute, +2 Hate, +1 Axe)
Stealing (Look-Out) Trother (Robber, Athletics 3) will try to steal supplies from the players group. Awareness TN16.
Hazards in the Dale lands, if a Dangerous meeting is rolled any one of these adversaries can be encountered.
Andrag the Wolf, is preparing to attack Erlands Ferry from the West. The company may intervene and change the fortunes of battle. (Spotted by Look-Out) His men may ambush the Escort if the players fail to notice.
Tarkhan Yumruk, a raiding northman. He is raiding in the area and may be recruited as help in the battle against Andrag the Wolf. There are however two sides to that coin, since Tarkhan will plunder Erlands Ferry, if he get the chance.
Sviatobal, Chief of the River Pirates: If the company travels by boat, then this man will try to stop to escort short of reaching Erlands Ferry. (Ambush, unless spotted by Look-Out)
Shagrul, Orc leader of the Hidy Holes: He will ambush the company on the Wineland way. (Ambush, unless spotted by Look-Out)
3 Scene: The meeting with Una, the Merchant Princess: Una is a very beautiful girl. She is traveling with many servants, as is the customs for the Merchant masters. There are wagons of trading goods and gifts, and many servants.
Una is a princess, so she’ll only great the leaders of the escort. She expects that all of her wagons and servants will be protected and escorted to Dale.
The player leading the group may be daunted by her beauty. Roll Valour TN14 or lose the ability to use Hope in this social encounter.
Tolerance is Valour (-1 for hobbits as guards. Did King Bard send children to protect me?)
“Who are you fine commanders.”
TN14 Courtesy opposed the other commanders. Una will chose who she trusts with her safety.
“I will choose for myself, who I want to lead this escort. Someone I can trust to keep me safe! What are your exploits” (The other commanders are veterans of the Battle of Five Armies)
TN14 Awe opposed the other commanders. The best results of the two tests will be chosen to lead.
“What route are we taking?”
TN14 Persuade to convince her of the travel route
“I will not be separated from my servants and valuables!”
TN16 persuade to split up her servants and wagons.
“Will the trip be dangerous? Bandits, Orcs or Dragons? I have heard that all these enemies are roaming here in these parts?”
TN14 Riddle to lie about the dangers / TN14 Inspire to calm her, if the truth is told. (-1 tolerance, if neither is tried)
Remember the total number of successes for later use.
4 Scene: Return to Dale
Treachery: Beldir will spring the ambush close to Mirkwood. He is on watch or awake in the middle of the night. He will kill the watch and try to get away with the valuables from Unas wagons. It will not be all the wagons, but enough to upset Una!
Clues to prevent the action. (Beldir should escape, so he can be used later in DoM Helm of Peace)
Awareness TN16 Great success: A raven departs the camp from the area where the Free Mercenaries are camped.
Riddle TN16 will point the players toward Beldir.
Insight TN18 will get the information that he is planning something and communicating with outlaws.
He will explain himself as he knows people in this part of the forest, and is headed home after this is over. His excuse is that he has a lover in a camp of primitive woodmen. Her name is Vyla, he says. Insight TN16 it is true, but he is not telling everything. He will not betray his outlaw friends and he will surrender without a fight. Hoping to get rescued by the Outlaws later. The players should be confused, not able to tell if he is lying or telling the truth.
The outlaws can be spotted following the escort. Awareness TN16. Must be looking (Look-out)
The night of the attack. Unless the players have specified a watch, then they will be woken by general commotion. Awareness TN14. Only those who pass this test will be able to fight in round nr. 1.
Depending on the preparations, if the plot is already revealed, it may take the outlaws 1-2 rounds before they can start to steal the sacks.
The players will see a wagon of valuables being robbed by ragged thieves. The thieves are not armed and look very hungry. It is a misdeed to kill the poor souls on sight, since they have been forced to steal by the real outlaws.
Close by is armed outlaws (Ruffians and one leader) 2 per player. They have killed the guards and will fight to protect the ragged thieves. (The ragged thieves fall if hit once)
Awe TN14 can be used to command the ragged thieves to drop their sacks. One sack per Hate point removed.
Every round fighting, until half of the ruffians have fallen, 3 sacks will depart from each of two wagons.
On round 5, reinforcements from the other mercenary companies will arrive and the ruffians will flee.
Rafts on Celduin stand ready to carry the outlaws across the river. On the opposite side are horses ready to pull the rafts across. Once across the river the Outlaws disappear in Mirkwood.
A well placed shot on the driver across the river (-4) will delay one raft enough to let the pursuers catch the ruffians and some of the loot. 15 sacks
During the robbery, 3 ruffians will try to steal Una, while she is screaming for the warriors to save her belongings, unless she is protected by one of the Players. They will not succeed, but the experience is horrendous for Una, as she is only saved seconds before they manage to get to her.
A player, who protects Una from the assailants for 3 rounds is awarded 1 bonus XP. Face 3 opponents alone.
The total no. of sacks missing is 30 – (the sacks the players have saved). If the number is zero or only a few, then award every one fighting to prevent it with 1 bonus XP.
5 Scene: The meeting of King Bard and Una the Princess
There is a great feast in honor of Princess Una. During the first day of the festival. Everyone notices how King Bard is looking at Una.
Evaluations of the escort:
+0 - +8 for the interaction with Una. At the meeting point, Erlands Ferry.
+1 Player was leading the escort until the meeting point.
+2 Player was leading the escort after the meeting point
+2 Player saved Una from being kidnapped by the outlaws.
-10 If Una was hurt in any way.
-1/5 sacks missing.
0-1 Una is not impressed and tells King Bard. Holding -2 EofY roll
2-4 Una does not blame the player specifically, but there is no praise either.
5-7 Una recommend the choice of the escort. Holding +2 EofY roll. Una will reward 5 treasures of her own to the leader.
8+ Una and King Bard are impressed by the way the situation was handled. Rank of Holding and Standing increases +1. And they still get the extra treasures from Una.
One game to rule them all: TOR
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
If we ever get this done (and I know I have obligations here that I've dropped the ball on), if be glad to do it up all nice and pretty.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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- Indur Dawndeath
- Posts: 467
- Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:30 pm
- Location: Denmark
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
That's great. I hope Mithrandir will work a little on it now, to get it closer to completion.zedturtle wrote:If we ever get this done (and I know I have obligations here that I've dropped the ball on), if be glad to do it up all nice and pretty.
Since I already used it and is preparing the wedding and Questing Beasts for my players along with a lot of other stuff, I really have no time to work on the flavour any time soon.
I still believe in the project though!!

One game to rule them all: TOR
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Sorry son, beat you to it, I'm already going to do it:zedturtle wrote:If we ever get this done (and I know I have obligations here that I've dropped the ball on), if be glad to do it up all nice and pretty.
Rich H wrote:...Consider me prepared and "pre-badgered"! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.poosticks7 wrote:... when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.

You do some lovely pdfs but they just aren't printer friendly enough. You should be hauled in front of the Hague for crimes against ink cartridges.

TOR resources thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=62
TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885
Fellowship of the Free Tale of Years: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8318
TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885
Fellowship of the Free Tale of Years: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8318
- Indur Dawndeath
- Posts: 467
- Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:30 pm
- Location: Denmark
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Rich, it is only fitting that you take a look at it, since I based the setting on your work.Rich H wrote:Sorry son, beat you to it, I'm already going to do it:zedturtle wrote:If we ever get this done (and I know I have obligations here that I've dropped the ball on), if be glad to do it up all nice and pretty.
Rich H wrote:...Consider me prepared and "pre-badgered"! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.poosticks7 wrote:... when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.![]()
You do some lovely pdfs but they just aren't printer friendly enough. You should be hauled in front of the Hague for crimes against ink cartridges.
You may easily expand on some of the personalities I mention.
I would really love to hear what you think

One game to rule them all: TOR
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Yeah, once I get Theft locked down enough, I'll make a ink friendly version... Just waiting to finalize the artwork; waiting to hear from someone 
I'm just spoiled, I can get anything printed on almost any size, full colour and finished.

I'm just spoiled, I can get anything printed on almost any size, full colour and finished.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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This space intentionally blank.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Apart from cosmetic changes to the appearance, are you planning any plot changes etc.?zedturtle wrote:Yeah, once I get Theft locked down enough, I'll make a ink friendly version... Just waiting to finalize the artwork; waiting to hear from someone
I'm just spoiled, I can get anything printed on almost any size, full colour and finished.
It's just that I'm running Theft of the Moon at the moment. We finished our last session with the players about to commence their pursuit of the thieves, so it would be great to know if you had any changes in mind for the encounter at Falrock.
Commission Miniature Painting: ... nting.html
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
At this point (assuming you're working off the newest version with the map of the Falrock) no mechanical changes. Jarn will have a name change and some new art is being commissioned for the stand-in scythe.jacksarge wrote:Apart from cosmetic changes to the appearance, are you planning any plot changes etc.?zedturtle wrote:Yeah, once I get Theft locked down enough, I'll make a ink friendly version... Just waiting to finalize the artwork; waiting to hear from someone
I'm just spoiled, I can get anything printed on almost any size, full colour and finished.
It's just that I'm running Theft of the Moon at the moment. We finished our last session with the players about to commence their pursuit of the thieves, so it would be great to know if you had any changes in mind for the encounter at Falrock.
If you get a chance, let me know how things have gone and how they go in the future; feedback is very helpful!
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Thanks Zed, PM sent 

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