Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
- Posts: 370
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 1:11 am
Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I had it in mind to write a series of adventures in a similar format to the ones in Darkening of Mirkwood based on some of the plot hooks from both the tale of years in that book and some of the adventure hooks found in Heart of the Wild as well as some ideas I've developed myself. The idea being to have some alternative adventure ideas to play alongside the ones developed for Darkening.
It is a big project and I would like to invite my fellow Loremasters to help me complete the project. Below I will detail the Tale of Years I have set out - it runs to T.A 2960 and contains 1-2 ideas for adventures to happen in that year. If one gets your creative juices flowing and you'd like to write an adventure please do so (and let me know which one you are writing so we don't get people picking the same ones.
I'm looking for a similar amount of detail to the ones written in DoM. There are 25 ideas to pick from - hopefully one stands out that you'd like to pick up and run with. Of course I'm open to additional adventure to be inserted in the Age of Years, but I'd like to get these written first - I suppose folk may come up with possible follow on adventures (or perhaps lead up ones) that can be added - that would be great.
Please send them to me by Private Message - when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.
So please if you are feeling the itch to write an adventure - please help.
It is a big project and I would like to invite my fellow Loremasters to help me complete the project. Below I will detail the Tale of Years I have set out - it runs to T.A 2960 and contains 1-2 ideas for adventures to happen in that year. If one gets your creative juices flowing and you'd like to write an adventure please do so (and let me know which one you are writing so we don't get people picking the same ones.
I'm looking for a similar amount of detail to the ones written in DoM. There are 25 ideas to pick from - hopefully one stands out that you'd like to pick up and run with. Of course I'm open to additional adventure to be inserted in the Age of Years, but I'd like to get these written first - I suppose folk may come up with possible follow on adventures (or perhaps lead up ones) that can be added - that would be great.
Please send them to me by Private Message - when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.
So please if you are feeling the itch to write an adventure - please help.
Last edited by poosticks7 on Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 370
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 1:11 am
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
The Last Good Years
Year 2947
• Take a reply to Cedwin the Generous in the East Bight in regards to hearing his plea to join his folk with the Woodsmen.
• Accompany a party of Dwarves heading along the elven-path, and witness the horror of the werewolf of Mirkwood.
Year 2948
• Meet and escort the merchant Princess Una from Dowinion to Dale. See off bandits and discover that one of her entourage wishes her ill.
• Witness King Bard’s wooing of lady Una and stop an plot to disrupt the budding relationship.
Year 2949
• Take part in the hunt for the ‘bloody ghost’ near Woodland Hall and discover that one of the Woodsmen is using the activities of the foul fiend to hide their own dark deed.
• Travel down the Dusky River in a boat with Woodsmen and get attacked by spiders.
• Accompany Beorn on his visit to meet with elven dignitaries in Northern Mirkwood.
Year 2950
• Scout the Mountains of Mirkwood to look for records or documents hidden there by the Necromancer.
• Help Denlar a young Beorning with his crazy plan to steal the Viglunding maid Aestid away from the oaf Othbald.
The Return of the Shadow
Year 2951
• Do a tour of the mountain folk and farmers of the west middle vales on behalf of Beorn. Win the good will of Osred the Rider.
• Investigate the mysterious lights of the Grey Hearth and discover their cause.
Year 2952
• Take part in the battle of the forest gate.
• Attend the trade fair at Woodsmen Town and stop a murder/misdeed.
Year 2953
• An important Thain of the Beorning community has fallen deathly ill – the heroes must seek out Mab the spinner for the cure.
• Two Rohirrim journey through Wilderland asking for news of a man named Lamas. During their journey they are captured by orcs, their local guide escapes to tell of their desperate plight.
Year 2954
• The Elven king offers a rich reward to capture the fabled horse – the steed of the Moon; it is told that it dwells in the Gore of Anduin. The heroes must beat several other groups that intend to claim the steed for themselves.
• While visiting Rhosgobel the heroes witness the arrival of a desperate man – Leoref is a merchant from Lake Town. He tells of his flight from the Toff and the disappearance of his family – they were taken by worshippers of the Necromancer. The heroes must travel to the Toff and discover the fate of the family.
Year 2955
• Escort a caravan from far off Belfalas – meeting it on the road and taking it to the Halls of the Elven King. See off bandits, thieves and orcs.
Year 2956
• Take part in the hit and run skirmishes between the Beornings and Viglund’s followers. A prisoner exchange is agreed upon and things are strained.
• Enter the Hidden House and explore the lower halls and encounter a malicious entity that drove the dwarves of Bar-en-Thurin to madness and death.
Year 2957
• Rescue a damsel in distress – Mellwen of Sunstead, who has been abducted by the wild men of the forest. A complication arises when it is discovered that the wild men used a dark artefact on Mellwen. A dark spirit enters her body – she must be taken to one of the wise.
Year 2958
• Take part in the hunt for Man’s Bane.
• Discover what devilry the orcs of the Mountains of Mirkwood are up to in regards to the Green River and put a stop to it.
Year 2959
• Help with the retaking of Dwarrowhall as a prelude to the retaking of Moria by Balin. The hold must be secured with a small force and its defences reinforced, and the Leofrings must be negotiated with.
Year 2960
• Help defend Mountain Hall from a goblin incursion stirred up by the Messenger from Mordor.
Year 2947
• Take a reply to Cedwin the Generous in the East Bight in regards to hearing his plea to join his folk with the Woodsmen.
• Accompany a party of Dwarves heading along the elven-path, and witness the horror of the werewolf of Mirkwood.
Year 2948
• Meet and escort the merchant Princess Una from Dowinion to Dale. See off bandits and discover that one of her entourage wishes her ill.

• Witness King Bard’s wooing of lady Una and stop an plot to disrupt the budding relationship.
Year 2949
• Take part in the hunt for the ‘bloody ghost’ near Woodland Hall and discover that one of the Woodsmen is using the activities of the foul fiend to hide their own dark deed.
• Travel down the Dusky River in a boat with Woodsmen and get attacked by spiders.
• Accompany Beorn on his visit to meet with elven dignitaries in Northern Mirkwood.
Year 2950
• Scout the Mountains of Mirkwood to look for records or documents hidden there by the Necromancer.

• Help Denlar a young Beorning with his crazy plan to steal the Viglunding maid Aestid away from the oaf Othbald.
The Return of the Shadow
Year 2951
• Do a tour of the mountain folk and farmers of the west middle vales on behalf of Beorn. Win the good will of Osred the Rider.
• Investigate the mysterious lights of the Grey Hearth and discover their cause.
Year 2952
• Take part in the battle of the forest gate.
• Attend the trade fair at Woodsmen Town and stop a murder/misdeed.
Year 2953
• An important Thain of the Beorning community has fallen deathly ill – the heroes must seek out Mab the spinner for the cure.
• Two Rohirrim journey through Wilderland asking for news of a man named Lamas. During their journey they are captured by orcs, their local guide escapes to tell of their desperate plight.
Year 2954
• The Elven king offers a rich reward to capture the fabled horse – the steed of the Moon; it is told that it dwells in the Gore of Anduin. The heroes must beat several other groups that intend to claim the steed for themselves.
• While visiting Rhosgobel the heroes witness the arrival of a desperate man – Leoref is a merchant from Lake Town. He tells of his flight from the Toff and the disappearance of his family – they were taken by worshippers of the Necromancer. The heroes must travel to the Toff and discover the fate of the family.

Year 2955
• Escort a caravan from far off Belfalas – meeting it on the road and taking it to the Halls of the Elven King. See off bandits, thieves and orcs.
Year 2956
• Take part in the hit and run skirmishes between the Beornings and Viglund’s followers. A prisoner exchange is agreed upon and things are strained.
• Enter the Hidden House and explore the lower halls and encounter a malicious entity that drove the dwarves of Bar-en-Thurin to madness and death.
Year 2957
• Rescue a damsel in distress – Mellwen of Sunstead, who has been abducted by the wild men of the forest. A complication arises when it is discovered that the wild men used a dark artefact on Mellwen. A dark spirit enters her body – she must be taken to one of the wise.
Year 2958
• Take part in the hunt for Man’s Bane.

• Discover what devilry the orcs of the Mountains of Mirkwood are up to in regards to the Green River and put a stop to it.
Year 2959
• Help with the retaking of Dwarrowhall as a prelude to the retaking of Moria by Balin. The hold must be secured with a small force and its defences reinforced, and the Leofrings must be negotiated with.
Year 2960
• Help defend Mountain Hall from a goblin incursion stirred up by the Messenger from Mordor.
Last edited by poosticks7 on Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
...Consider me prepared and "pre-badgered"! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.poosticks7 wrote:... when it is completed I will badger Rich H or someone to turn it into a lovely PDF.
TOR resources thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=62
TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885
Fellowship of the Free Tale of Years: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8318
TOR miniatures thread: viewtopic.php?t=885
Fellowship of the Free Tale of Years: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8318
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Indeed, it's a worthy enterprise Poostick7!
By coincidence I'm preparing the Battle of the Forest Gate of '52 (combined with the story of Viglund's daughter, in my instance). Sadly my mastery of English isn't up to the task
By coincidence I'm preparing the Battle of the Forest Gate of '52 (combined with the story of Viglund's daughter, in my instance). Sadly my mastery of English isn't up to the task

Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Do you want us to maintain some sort of checklist here? I'd hate to duplicate work and I love feedback so I'd prefer open development.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
This space intentionally blank.
This space intentionally blank.
- Posts: 370
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Well I'm open to suggestions on the best ways to organise things zed.
I just wanted to get the ball rolling and see who is interested.
I just wanted to get the ball rolling and see who is interested.
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
I'm working on Man's Bane, however is going to be a subplot for DoM with four adventures.
From the intro (spoiler free):
From the intro (spoiler free):
This series of adventures introduces Mansbane, also called Banamann by the Woodsmen or Sceadugenga in the old legends, and his mother Angrboda, the Mother of Monsters. These adventures integrate them in The Darkening of Mirkwood (DOM from now on) official campaing as a subplot. Although you do not need DOM to play these interlinked adventures, it is highly recommended to have it as well as The Heart of the Wild (HOTW from now on, Mansbane is named in HOTW page 11).
He is a monster on the loose after the fall of Dol Guldur, which attacks settlements causing havoc and disappears leaving no trace. Much like the Werewolf of Mirkwood, this powerful enemy will trouble the land until he is finally defeated and his actions may hasten the fall of the Free Peoples.
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
A while ago I started working on an adventure concerning the hunt for "the bloody ghost", one of the early "subplots" in DoM. I'll be happy to add it to this project once I'm finished.
- Indur Dawndeath
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Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
Hi there,
I already wrote and played the one with Una. One of my players have a caravan guard holding in Dale, so it was a perfect opportunity for him to promote his holding.
The angle I have chosen is:
1) Convince Bard to hire the players. Compete against other mercenary captains for the role as leader of the Escort.
2) Travel to the border. Interaction with other caravan guards and theit captains. Assign guard Companies to the various travel possitions. Scout - Look-Out. etc..
3) Meet Una, she will be very demanding and may select another captain to lead her Escort, if the present one does not impress her.
4) Return trip. Will the players notice the Raven Eye biter communicationg with the spy in the Escort.
5) Betrayal and ambush near Mirkwood. Can the players save Una and her gifts from being stolen by bandits.
6) Arrival in Dale and final evaluation by King Bard. Success or Failure??
Let me know if this is what you had in mind, and I can write it in detail.
I already wrote and played the one with Una. One of my players have a caravan guard holding in Dale, so it was a perfect opportunity for him to promote his holding.
The angle I have chosen is:
1) Convince Bard to hire the players. Compete against other mercenary captains for the role as leader of the Escort.
2) Travel to the border. Interaction with other caravan guards and theit captains. Assign guard Companies to the various travel possitions. Scout - Look-Out. etc..
3) Meet Una, she will be very demanding and may select another captain to lead her Escort, if the present one does not impress her.
4) Return trip. Will the players notice the Raven Eye biter communicationg with the spy in the Escort.
5) Betrayal and ambush near Mirkwood. Can the players save Una and her gifts from being stolen by bandits.
6) Arrival in Dale and final evaluation by King Bard. Success or Failure??
Let me know if this is what you had in mind, and I can write it in detail.
One game to rule them all: TOR
Re: Additional Adventures For DoM Project (spoilers)
In a month or so I plan to develop an adventure where the party accompanies Bofri, son of Bofur, along the Old Dwarven Road, with plans to open it so that Erebor may commerce with the Woodmen and the Anduin cultures (and, in the future, explore Moria and it's surroundings...).poosticks7 wrote:The Last Good Years
Year 2947
• Accompany a party of Dwarves heading along the elven-path, and witness the horror of the werewolf of Mirkwood.
I will use a fan-made adventure already written in spanish by a friend, funs_athal, named "Opening the path". (You can find it here: ... ndero.html).
Some of the encounters it introduces are: meeting a merchant's caravan coming from Dorwinion (introducing this culture to the players), finding lots of wolves when entering the Mirkwood, and later traces of the Werewolf for the first time. In their run, they take shelter in the Beacon Tower (HotW), only to find that a group of goblins have taken residence there, but are in war with some spiders that lurk in the tunnels. The players may take sides with one of the factions to escape the tower along the tunnels.
I also plan to include the encounters found in Don't Leave the Path, except for the Spider's one.
Maybe I can make something in english for others to polish and beautify

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