Professional Poster of Wilderland

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Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by jamesrbrown » Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:09 am

Pardon me if this question has already been asked, but last year at GenCon a professional poster of Wilderland was made available for $10 (if I remember correctly). I obtained one and it is framed and hanging handsomely on my wall at home (see picture below). However, I was wondering if an updated map of Wilderland is going to be offered that includes all the additional locations from published material thus far? If so, I would like one of those on heavier poster paper like the one sold at GenCon last year. A humble request: please sell one on your website.

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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Rich H » Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:02 am

Damn, that would be nice to own.

I really don't like the idea of GenCon exclusives. It really alienates people that support RPGs all the time and simply can't get to places like that due to location, commitments, or simply lack of funds. :(
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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Hirobumi » Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:57 am

Yes Rich you are absolutely right! I live in Germany and GenCon is far away...
In my case it gets even worse: my pre-ordered core set got lost and Angus Abranson (maybe some of you remember him) promised me to give me one of these posters as a present. Despite my many mails which I wrote I never received it.
To see this hanging on your wall puts salt into my wounds. Still I would love to buy an updated version of this poster.

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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Hermes Serpent » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:41 am

I got the pdf of the maps as part of my purchase of the game. I stripped off the Adventurer's Map and took the file to a local print shop. After much faffing about due to the fact that it's a US not EU size they finally got a near A2 size version out of their printer and I had it laminated/encapsulated in plastic to preserve it. I use that in place of the original folded map as that's vulnerable to liquids and wear due to folding.

A proper copy shop in a larger town might be able to print the file onto canvas or fabric to give a more 'authentic' feel to the map.
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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by SirKicley » Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:16 pm

Nice map, JRB. I like the display next to the faux torch/sconce.

I'm a bit fortunate - my mother works for the school district (still at 60 years old) and has access to all sorts of nice laminating devices.

All my play maps for TOR and Pathfinder etc make their way eventually to work with her and wind up as nicely laminated and safely rolled up and stored in a big poster tube I have. I take them out when we play and they last a lot longer now that they're laminated.

I of course make her dinner often to show my appreciation for her taking care of my "toys" for me. :-)


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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Mim » Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:13 pm

This is a great idea James & I would also purchase such a map poster. I hope they take up your suggestion.

I'm currently paying a chilling amount of money having a couple of Pauline Bayne's map posters matted & framed, so I agree that that this would be a welcome addition to any gamer/collector's casa.

My only problem, however, is to agree with the previous comments about the exclusivity of the con route. I certainly understand the company's marketing plans for cons, but it's kinda frustrating for those of us who don't make our way to Lake Geneva :)

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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by jamesrbrown » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:40 pm

Here's how I feel: Cubicle7 can (and should) do whatever they think will make them money and keep their company flourishing, including offering things like a map in limited quantity at a convention to test the waters. I think a professional and complete Wilderland poster as a game product would make money, however! I am humbly only a fanboy on the forum though. They definitely know better, being in business and having sales figures to look at, etc. I am definitely not in that position.

Nevertheless, I wanted to voice my desire to have such a map if they could make it possible! (Start praying folks!)

Lightbulb: It's probably too late for this idea, but I would have paid a little extra if they had included a foldable map with The Heart of the Wild book. This might be something to consider in the future since there won't be any more core sets produced beyond the first ones (as originally envisioned). That way, the number of maps sold will equal the number of books sold (albeit at a slightly higher overall price). As long as I had the resources, I wouldn't miss a supplement for this game anyway. Even if I didn't have the money, I would save it up until I did. How many others feel the same way?
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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Rich H » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:54 pm

Totally agree with all that, James. I suppose one option for a map is that they could Kickstarter it.
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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by jamesrbrown » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:49 am

SirKicley wrote:Nice map, JRB. I like the display next to the faux torch/sconce.
Thanks SirKicley. That's an Uncle Milton National Geographic Explorer's Torch. It is battery operated and has a flickering flame. Very cool with the lights off.

RichH, Kickstarter would be cool too, but has Cubicle7 used that method before?
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Re: Professional Poster of Wilderland

Post by Trotter » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:35 am

That's beautiful, James. What does it say on the mat?

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