In the tradition of this house Angelimar was the twentieth in unbroken descent from Galador, first Lord of Dol Amroth (c. Third Age 2004–2129). According to the same traditions Galador was the son of Imrazôr the Númenórean, who dwelt in Belfalas, and the Elven-lady Mithrellas. She was one of the companions of Nimrodel, among many of the Elves that fled to the coast about the year 1980 of the Third Age, when evil arose in Moria; and Nimrodel and her maidens stayed in the wooded hills, and were lost. But in this tale it is said that Imrazôr harbored Mithrellas, and took her to wife. But when she had borne him a son, Galador, and a daughter, Gilmith, she slipped away by night and he saw her no more. But though Mithrellas was of the lesser Silvan race (and not of the High Elves or the Grey), it was ever held that the house and kin of the Lords of Dol Amroth was noble by blood as they were fair in face and mind.
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, 248.
BTW, ToR probably can't use this because it's apparently outside the company's license, but it can work for your own game