Of course, how rude of me.SirKicley wrote:If you're going to tease us with these TMI snippets, the least you can do is include pictures!
Here you go...

Of course, how rude of me.SirKicley wrote:If you're going to tease us with these TMI snippets, the least you can do is include pictures!
I'd love to know how much exactly.Mim wrote:... for anyone waiting for your Lake-town pdf, the purchase copy on RPGNow is number three in popularity this morning. Considering how many games they have, number three is pretty darn impressive, & says a great deal about how well fans receive this game.
Depends on the project. The One Ring actually requires less research than some other projects, as it's pretty self-contained and there's a wealth of existing material concentrated in a few places. Still, you do find yourself looking for the oddest things, like horizon calculators to determine what you can see from the summit of Erebor...jamesrbrown wrote:@Gareth - You have one of the coolest jobs anyone could ask for! You must be having the time of your life. How many hours do you spend in research each week for your writing?
I'm guessing they're counting the free downloads we're all receiving at the same time. Still, good publicity.Mim wrote:BTW, for anyone waiting for your Lake-town pdf, the purchase copy on RPGNow is number three in popularity this morning.
In our experience that is not the case.Yusei wrote: I'm guessing they're counting the free downloads we're all receiving at the same time.
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