Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

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Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Dunkelbrink » Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:08 am

I'm loremastering a campaign at the moment, with the Darkening of Mirkwood as a base, but expanding the storyline with other material and adventures. For this purpose I am trying to put together a complete list of existing adventures for TOR and I cant recall having seen a list of this kind on the forums. Maybe we can help each other out to discover what adventures are available for the game? I am sure I am missing a lot of them in this list.

By this I mean every complete scenario available (that is; made for TOR and possible to get hold of) in all major languages (not counting James' Wild adventures in this case, excellent as the idea is). French seems to be the language to know in this case (except English of course) and I now regret choosing German in school. I've tried to use Google translate on the ones listed below and the scenarios seem quite good. So far I haven't discovered any adventures in Swedish (my native tongue).

Official adventures

The Marsh Bell (Core book)
Darkening of Mirkwood (not listing individual adventures here)
Don't leave the Path (Tales of Wilderland)
Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit (Tales of Wilderland)
Kinstrife and Dark Tidings (Tales of WIlderland)
Those who tarry no longer (Tales of Wilderland)
A Darkness in the Marshes (Tales of Wilderland)
The Crossings of Celduin (Tales of Wilderland)
The Watch on the Heath (Tales of Wilderland)

Nightmares of Angmar (Ruins of the North)
Harder than Stone (Ruins of the North)
Concerning Archers (Ruins of the North)
The Company of the Wain (Ruins of the North)
What lies Beneath (Ruins of the North)
Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Ruins of the North)

Semi-official adventures

Words of the Wise (pdf free adventure; no longer available)

The Hare and the Hill Giant (Gygax magazine issue 2)

Fan-made adventures in English

To journey's end and Eagle's eyrie (Forums, Rich Harrison's resources)
Blood in the Waters (Forums)
Of Ghosts (and Goblins) (Forums)
Ove Hill, ove Dale (Forums)
Theft of the Moon (Forums, Zed's resources)
The cup of True Love (Forums, James' resources)
A WInter's harvest (Forums)
Treasures long Lost (Forums, WbWeather's resources)
The Dragons Ring
A Kidnapping in Umbar (both from Robin Smallburrow's resources)

Fan-made adventures in French

Caran Gaur part 1, Entre chiens et loups (issue 8, p. 190)
Caran Gaur part 2, Traque dans le Val d'Anduin (issue 9, p. 230)
Caran Gaur part 3, Fort-Bois (issue 14, p. 214)
(Three adventures; Marauder web magazine issues 8, 9 and 14; http://www.studio09.net/index.php?optio ... g&Itemid=7)

La Malediction du Changeur du peau (Campaign in four parts, https://anneaunique.files.wordpress.com ... e-peau.pdf)
1) La vengeance d'Arzog,
2) Au coeur des ténèbres,
3) Le fléau,
4) Les brumes de Gundabad.

Fan-made adventures in Spanish

Abriendo el sendero (variant of Marsh bell, got this from forum user Farenthal)

So, are there any other adventures in English, French, Spanish or German? And is there a way to make them available for the TOR players here on the forums?
Last edited by Dunkelbrink on Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Falenthal » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:25 pm

I'll try to do a text with everything, but the spanish community has all (known) fan adventures together in one place, along some english ones:


As you can see, it's in the first section, called "Aventuras" (Adventures).

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Rich H » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:59 pm

Its a pity some talented person couldn't translate the French and Spanish adventures into English for many more of us to enjoy.
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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Dunkelbrink » Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:42 pm

Thanks for the list, Farenthal! If you have read through all the Spanish adventures, is there anyone that is particurlary worth looking at?

I agree with Rich that is is a pity that there probably is a treasure of adventures out there not available in English. The French adventures from the Maraudeur Magazine and the Beorn Campaign by Marc G looks especially intruiging to me.

Maybe it's time for a collaborative forum effort here? Google translate isn't that bad if you have a general idea about what the text is about, and if we share the load, taking a few pages each from a chosen adventure it might actually work. Maybe som French/Spanish speaking forumite could read it thorugh and check for major mistakes. I'm up for the challenge if some others would join in.

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Falenthal » Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:44 pm

My humble opinion is that "Abriendo el Sendero" (Clearing the Path), "El Temor de la Sombra del Este" (Fear of the Eastern Shadow), "Corte de Pico, Plumas y Garras" (Court of Peak, Feathers and Claws, related to the quarrel between the Eagles, the Kingfisher and even the Grim Hawks hinted at in HotW) and "La Sombra Sobre el Lago Largo" (The Shadow Over Long Lake", which is a mini-campaign) are the best of them.

Might be an idea to work on its translations to publish them in the Other Minds Magazine.
I'm not a very good translator, but might give a try using Google Translate and reviewing the result.

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by StuartJ » Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:56 pm

Dunkelbrink wrote:I agree with Rich that is is a pity that there probably is a treasure of adventures out there not available in English. The French adventures from the Maraudeur Magazine and the Beorn Campaign by Marc G looks especially intruiging to me.

Maybe it's time for a collaborative forum effort here? Google translate isn't that bad if you have a general idea about what the text is about, and if we share the load, taking a few pages each from a chosen adventure it might actually work. Maybe som French/Spanish speaking forumite could read it thorugh and check for major mistakes. I'm up for the challenge if some others would join in.
I started trying to translate some of the French material - completed the 'Herbier de la Terre du Milieu' and started on the Caran Gaur adventures - but it was very slow going for my rusty French, and other commitments all took priority, so sadly it's waiting (indefinitely) for when I have more free time. Which is a shame because Caran Gaur's work is a great read, and deserves a wider audience!

I created a Google Docs shared folder for the works in progress - read only view here - and would be happy to give others write access if they want to collaborate.
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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Rue » Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:11 pm

I could have a go at one of the shorter French ones--any favorites that people were hoping for? (On the Marauder web magazine table of contents it doesn't look like the scenarios list which system they're for, does anyone know the titles of the specific adventures for TOR?)

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by StuartJ » Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:10 pm

Rue wrote:I could have a go at one of the shorter French ones--any favorites that people were hoping for? (On the Marauder web magazine table of contents it doesn't look like the scenarios list which system they're for, does anyone know the titles of the specific adventures for TOR?)
Hi Rue,

last time I looked, I think the TOR adventures in Maraudeur are the Caran Gaur trilogy that form a mini-campaign.

The author kindly shared Word documents of the originals that I ran through Google Translate and then started to clean up. I figured it would make most sense to start with the first, "Between Dogs and Wolves": you can see the original here and the very start of my translation effort here. The French originals for the others are also in the same folder.

If you (or anyone else reading!) like to take over, you'd be very welcome: send me a Personal Message and I'll give you write access to those documents.

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Aeglosdir » Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:49 pm

Dunkelbrink wrote: La Malediction du Changeur du peau (Campaign in three parts, https://anneaunique.files.wordpress.com ... e-peau.pdf)
In four parts actually: 1) La vengeance d'Arzog, 2) Au coeur des ténèbres, 3) Le fléau, 4) Les brumes de Gundabad. Each part also available separately.
Rue wrote:(On the Marauder web magazine table of contents it doesn't look like the scenarios list which system they're for, does anyone know the titles of the specific adventures for TOR?)
Caran Gaur part 1, Entre chiens et loups (issue 8, p. 190)
Caran Gaur part 2, Traque dans le Val d'Anduin (issue 9, p. 230)
Caran Gaur part 3, Fort-Bois (issue 14, p. 214)
Falenthal wrote:"La Sombra Sobre el Lago Largo" (The Shadow Over Long Lake", which is a mini-campaign
IIRC this was not written for TOR but for a homebrew system heavily influenced by TOR (including Shadow points and stuff) so should be portable. It seems worth it, definitely. Also the author made a great map of Esgaroth for his game: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sUp5rYwOAvA/U ... +corto.png The game world is basically that of MERP though so there are a few things that you may want to change, e.g. a member of the Beorning 'race'. (I made up my own back-story for him, mixed with that of 'The Curse of the Skin-changer' above and of course the stuff on Beorn in TOR including DOM.) Also there are a few weird names from MERP, e.g. as far as I can tell Seamatha the 'sea-worm' (from ICE's Lake-town module) is actually Old English for 'sea-maggot' (so 'worm' in the wrong sense), but few people care about those things anyway.

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Re: Let's put together a complete list of adventures!

Post by Rue » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:18 pm

Aeglosdir wrote: Caran Gaur part 1, Entre chiens et loups (issue 8, p. 190)
Caran Gaur part 2, Traque dans le Val d'Anduin (issue 9, p. 230)
Caran Gaur part 3, Fort-Bois (issue 14, p. 214)
Thanks Aeglosdir, that's helpful. It'd be great to have some back and forth so fans can use adventures even if they don't speak English (or French or Spanish or...). I can do French to English okay, but am not fluent enough to go English to French with any success.

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