I'm in agreement with this too. Perhaps it's important to consider with what reference Heal Corruption was written. This Undertaking mentions Sanctuaries and home. It makes no mention of other 'places of rest', for want of a better phrase, which is because under an earlier section, discussing the Fellowship Phase structure, it lists this step:Glorelendil wrote:So, yeah, if you go someplace that isn't Home or a Sanctuary you can't Heal Corruption.
The company repairs to a Sanctuary, or disbands temporarily (companions return home).
So, under the RAW there is no middle option; players either return home or stay in a Sanctuary. Full disclosure, the book does state, "The players are free to spend the phase at any place they have already visited during the game", but considering the rest of the section I think this is in reference to places that have been previously visited and made into Sanctuaries. I can see how others would interpret it differently though so it's really down to each LM's preference.
My understanding is that if a character wishes to stay somewhere other than a Sanctuary or home then they would have to convince the 'ruler' of such a place and as the Adventuring Phase has come to a close then there's strictly no option to run an Encounter in order to achieve this. However, I think this is where the LM can interpret specific situations and circumstances and apply their own rulings. Like others have said, great deeds may automatically mean a place is considered a Sanctuary without the need for the players to select that Undertaking for their characters. I've done this on a couple of occasions as a reward for such actions taken previously by the PCs and I've also allowed characters to spend a Fellowship Phase in a place not considered a Sanctuary as long as they didn't overstay their welcome; but in such cases they would be considered 'tolerated guests', expected to pull their own weight, help with chores and other duties, and to generally work alongside those living in such a location. Therefore in this circumstance, I ruled that Undertakings such as Healing Corruption wouldn't be an option for a character to take - they are simply too busy earning their keep. This has worked for me so far and also provides a lot of motivation for the players to establish Sanctuaries as the benefits are mechanically obvious to them.