Glorelendil wrote:crimso wrote:
I mean that in jest of course, but I feel like EVERYONE here knows "that guy" with the Dwarf Warrior Mage/Cleric Multiclassed with Magic Resistance and Close Combat Proficiency, etc...haha, or something that sounds like that. Or, someone said here, Fireball Throwing Hobbit/Halfing Warriors.
Indeed. There are several of them who play TOR and post here occasionally.
Yep. As mentioned before, I think one of D&D's strength is its flexibility that it has gained over the years by trying to be a little bit of everything for everybody (that doesn't mean I don't like a focused game that excellently delivers its intended playstyle, like TOR).
Over the years, I've run or played in a number of games with D&D engines, everything from 'kill the evil god before he gets real power' to 'subtle politics with the defining scene of the campaign a speech to the IsleRaed.*' which is why I feel there's enough room for a D&D in Middle-earth game.
We'll see soon how exactly we get there.
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* Delivered by my most murder-hoboist player, who had challenged himself by making a pacifist character for the campaign.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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