Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Terisonen » Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:44 pm

Same problem for me. It isn't really important though. Don't have many pixellisation either (a little, yes, but It don't compromise the usefulness of map).

Clearly the interest of this product is rule, not map. I wasn't expecting very high quality of PDF. The pixellisation show the more at road.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Jon Hodgson » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:05 pm

Yes, I'm really struggling to see pixelation at 100%. At 300% I can see some of the artefacts caused by conversion to sRGB - something we do so that PDFs display nicely on iOS devices. The smallest text at 300% zoom is 5mm high - about twice what you get on the physical maps - it's way further than you'd need to zoom in to use the maps on screen. Personally I couldn't use the maps at that level of zoom.

Now, when I test them on iPad I'm finding that iBooks compresses the images significantly, which isn't so hot. We know iPads aren't especially friendly to this kind of PDF. In Acrobat Reader there is less compression, though it's still of a lower quality than on desktop.

I do not get the fine white boxes in iBooks, but I do in Acrobat. Looks like some kind of transparency issue around the names. Possibly as part of the sRGB conversion?

Listen though, despite me being called out by name, in a factually incorrect, 1 star Drivethru review, which advocates piracy of our products, we're not trying to rip anyone off here. The maps were carefully tested to work to our satisfaction on screen, and we make it clear in the product description the PDF maps aren't suited to home printing. And we priced the PDF accordingly.

We are still looking into this issue, and doing some wider testing. If pixellation is a common complaint at 100% zoom, then we'll certainly swap in some bigger files.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Rich H » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:12 pm

Jon Hodgson wrote:Listen though, despite me being called out by name, in a factually incorrect, 1 star Drivethru review, which advocates piracy of our products, we're not trying to rip anyone off here.
:shock: ?!?!?! That's awful. Whoever has made that remark surely knows how awesome you guys are at sorting out customer issues, etc - you only have to look at the way you guys deal with stuff on here to know that.

And I totally agree with Jon about what purpose the PDF is for, considering a print version is on the way.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Hermes Serpent » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:32 pm

I believe that the reviewer who posted the one star review at DTRPG does post here if the comment in an earlier post that he was going to post a one star review was true rather than just a threat.

I quite understand C7's position and while I do get the artifacts mentioned I do believe I had previously downloaded a non sRGB version that did not have those. I did overwrite that original with the updated maps and therefore can't check.

I appreciate the candour C7 have showed in stating exactly why the provided the pdf they did and while I would appreciate a non IPad version of the map batter suited to a different platform (Android or Win 10) I suggest that C7 know their market and produce the best option available.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Jon Hodgson » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:54 pm

We can add an optional non-sRGB version - not a problem. Probably be tomorrow. I need to announce some Origins Awards nominations before home time.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Terisonen » Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:49 pm

I don't really have the use of Journey and Map as I will use another system than TOR for my future Middle Earth campaign: I just buy it for support of the TOR line.

Keep going please.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by SirGalrim » Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:27 pm

Thank you for looking in the white boxes Jon. I don't think you where answering me directly, but I just want to underline that I am in no way implying that you are ripping people off with my remarks about the white boxes. Quite the opposite in fact. Few companies put out such high quality material for a fair price as C7 does. And I appreciate you interacting with us on a regularly basis and listens to our concerns. (Even though we always are in a endless hunger of more.) That interaction is a benefit far from all companies and their employees give to the customers. There is no doubt that C7 cares about their material and those who use it. You have my thrust and support in this matter. So people let's go to DriveThruRPG and give some quality reviews! :)

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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Otaku-sempai » Tue May 03, 2016 6:17 pm

I see from the LM map of Wilderland that the Dorwinion trade route leads to the mountains next to the Sea of Rhûn. Might this mean that one or more Dwarven settlements might be found there? Perhaps these are even Dwarves who don't have close ties to Durin's Folk; some might even be allied with the Enemy. Thoughts?

While I'm at it, I have wondered if there should be a trade route between Dorwinion and Gondor.
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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Finrod Felagund » Wed May 04, 2016 9:40 am

Otaku-sempai wrote:I see from the LM map of Wilderland that the Dorwinion trade route leads to the mountains next to the Sea of Rhûn. Might this mean that one or more Dwarven settlements might be found there? Perhaps these are even Dwarves who don't have close ties to Durin's Folk; some might even be allied with the Enemy. Thoughts?

While I'm at it, I have wondered if there should be a trade route between Dorwinion and Gondor.
As far as I'm aware, there's nothing in canon to argue one way or another. For what it's worth my views are:
1) Maybe for Dwarves, and maybe for some influenced by the enemy. Other Minds did a history of Dwarves; I haven't checked recently but my memory is that they didn't have any around Rhun but I might be wrong about that. However if you want to put some there, then go for it!

2) Trade routes from Rhun using the old road North of Mordor and into Ithilien seem likely to me. Sauron is back in Mordor but he's being very quiet. Give it a few years though and his conquests in the East, and they're likely to close.

Just my personal opinion!


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Re: Journeys and Maps - Available for pre-order now

Post by Terisonen » Wed May 04, 2016 11:30 am

By 2950 Ithilien is no longer inhabited. It seem's likely the road north of Mordor is no longer in use between Rhun and Gondor.

The majority of the people of Ithilien fled across the Anduin to escape war (T.A. 2901), but the Stewards of Gondor still kept scouts there, operating out of secret locations such as Henneth Annûn. Those who stayed fled to regions such as Lossarnach when Mount Doom erupted in T.A. 2954. Steward Ecthelion II constructed the Rammas Echor as part of the now necessary defenses of Gondor.

The descendants of the people who had dwelt in Ithilien, formed the corps of the Rangers of Ithilien.

Source: Tolkien Gateway.
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