Determine challenge of a fight

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Re: Determine challenge of a fight

Post by zedturtle » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:54 pm

poosticks7 wrote:Well my band of heroes faced off against a few wolves and nearly lost. Then against 50 or so orcs in those that tarry, and they gave a really good showing before the eagles came. Killed 17 orcs including a few Uruks.

So combat is hard to judge at times.
Yeah, sometimes it just comes down to variability; especially since the Gandalf icon is always there to help out against impossible odds. I have found that a bunch of enemies is usually much more dangerous than a single big bad, though starting heroes can be easily over-challenged by both situations.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: Determine challenge of a fight

Post by samu » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:42 am

Dear all,

thank you so much for the great advice and tips and that you take your time for it even though there apparentlyalready exists some thread about this. I think the idea with the aid of some NPC is really suitable for the middleearth-universe. I mean the idea that the characters' fate and survival is not completely in their own hands. And right, it's also possible to keep some creatures back and release them if nessecary. I think you are right that the ability for a better estimation of situations will come with time.

By the way, we are really enjoying The One Ring pretty much. Yesterday we had a day off and played for about 6 hours without considerable breaks.

And sorry for my "bumby" english, I'm not genuinely anglophone.

Best regards,

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Rich H
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Re: Determine challenge of a fight

Post by Rich H » Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:38 pm

Sounds really cool, samu. Let us know how you get on. And no need to apologise; there are lots of posters on here where English is their second language - personally, I'm always really impressed just how well you communicate on such as technical a subject as RPGs.
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