Glorelendil wrote:Oh, I always read Staunching Song to mean that once you have rolled Song and restored Endurance, you may spend a point of Hope to also give the same benefit somebody else. That's another one for the "need clarification" folder.
Yeah, that's probably fair.
Glorelendil wrote:And Stinging Arrow / King's Blade I thought of (and even wrote a couple sentences to address but deleted them). I wouldn't count those because the benefit gained, the Pierce, is 100% sure. What happens after that is a different matter, but the Hope delivered as advertised.
Oh, agreed.
Glorelendil wrote:Herbal (Poison) Remedies, however, is clearly a case of spend Hope for the chance at a benefit. Lame.
It's not too bad for most Woodmen in practice since you can pretty readily auto-succeed with Herb-lore or Leechcraft (which, IME, most Woodmen inclined to grabbing Herbal Remedies have one of). It serves as a pretty good demonstration of precedent, though. I still think the Roles/Hazards thing is an even better example.
Glorelendil wrote:Nevertheless, I don't like the idea of spending Hope unnecessarily for Protect Companion. I'll continue to interpret that one as "when attacked" but "after the roll".
That's perfectly reasonable.