The example in the rules has one hero making a Craft check to free his imprisoned Focus. And certainly that's a pretty clear cut case: you are using a common skill to directly benefit your focus. What other similar examples are there? In general as I look through the skill list I can imagine specific scenarios, but very few that commonly occur. I.e., how often do you have to use Craft to free an imprisoned companion?
The one obvious exception is Healing to treat a Wound. How about using Healing to treat a Woodman's Hound?
One thing I've heard proposed is Rally Comrades when your focus can benefit. What do folks think of this? I'm torn: restored Endurance seems like a pretty obvious protection/favour, but the fact that you're really benefitting the entire Fellowship brings into question whether it's "direct" or not.
How about attacking a target that's attacking your focus? I might rule that if your blow kills the adversary then you've directly protected your focus, but mere damage (or a failed Pierce) does not. Disarming with a called shot might also qualify.
And how about using Intimidate Foe to drain Hate from the adversary attacking your focus? Do the circumstances matter? For example, if you drain the last of its Hate that makes it Weary, which would favour your focus. But what if it only drains some of its Hate? Or what if there are multiple Adversaries and the LM randomly determines that the one attacking your focus is affected? Is that "directly"?
It's pretty clear from RAW (even if it's often house-ruled otherwise) that the point of Hope spent on Protect Companion is not eligible, but I could see an argument for it being "directly protecting" if you then spend another point to pass your own Protection test. It's really one action that happens to involve multiple dice rolls: you're taking the hit to protect your companion. But I could see it being argued both ways.
One good use could be Dunedain with Endurance of the Ranger: spend the Hope to pass your Fatigue test, then use a Tengwar to help your focus.
And here's one that might seem a little cheesy: you spend a point of Hope to succeed at a Preliminary roll, and then you immediately give at least one of your bonus dice to your fellowship focus. That's a pretty clear 'favour', imo. The grey area is in the timing. The rules state:
That means you don't technically give the other player the bonus dice until they are about to make the roll. The time between the Preliminary roll and the bestowing of the die makes 'directly' a bit dubious, in my opinion.When a player is about to make a roll, he may add 1 bonus Success die to the roll. To add the die, he may spend 1 of his own bonus dice, or another player may spend it to give it to him.
Eager to hear feedback on the above, and suggestions for other common uses.