Name: Gimli son of Gloin
Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
Standard of Living: Rich
Cultural blessing: Redoubtable
Calling: Slayer
Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Specialties: Smith-craft, Tunnelling, Orc-lore
Distinctive features: Eager, Steadfast
Body: 7
Heart: 2
Wits: 5
Body (favoured): 9
Heart (favoured): 5
Wits (favoured): 6
-Common Skills-- Awe: 0 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 2
- Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 0
- Awareness: 2 Insight: 0 Search: 3
- Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0
- Song: 1 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2
- Craft: 3 Battle: 3 Lore: 0
-Weapon Skills-- (Axes): 4
- Dagger: 1
- Short sword: 1
-Rewards-: Axe of the Azanulbizar, Grievous, Keen
-Virtues-: Durin’s Way, Old Hatred, The Stiff Neck of Dwarves
-Gear-- Great axe damage: 11 edge: 10 injury: 20 enc: 4
- Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
- Mail shirt enc: 12
- Helm enc: 6
Endurance: 30
Starting Endurance: 30
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 17
Fatigue from Travel: 0
Total Fatigue: 17
Hope: 8
Starting Hope: 8
Temporary Shadow: 0
Permanent Shadow: 0
Total Shadow: 0
Armour: 3
Headgear: 4
Parry: 5
Shield: 0
Damage: 0
Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 4
Valour: 4
Experience: 0
Total Experience: 52
Fellowship: 0
Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0
Standing: 4
My version of Gimli. This one makes him more Dwarfly, using many of the Dwarves' racial abilities to make up for the fact he lost a dice of attack (and a favored skill with the axe), but his base body skill is better, so he loses less then he might. He has favored athletics to run to Isengard with, and Favored Courtesy and Favored Persuade to get locks of Galadriel's hair. Durin's Way proved of little use during the War of the Ring, as few fights took place under ground, but it was his initial virtue, so he had his 'home field advantage' in Moria. Old Hatred on the other hand pulled its full weight and then some, considering most everything he fought was an orc or Uruk Hai, and I'd say Old Hatred works just fine against Saruman's Uruk Hai. Stiff Neck of the Dwarves helps him when he inevitably accumulates some Shadow due to a lower heart score, as he can convert darkness to strength. This build has higher damage output then the other, but only slightly against most things, and significantly against orcs, with a base damage of 11 (15 vs. orcs), 18/22 on great 25/29 on extraordinary. That 15 damage vs. orcs on a normal swing will oneshot snaga trackers, archers, and soldiers. He will one shot any orc except a great orc on a great success. Axe of Az is a little questionable because of the attribute cap, but it certainly gives any foe within its limits something to think about if they somehow survive the protection roll.