Rich H wrote:Right from the offset of my campaign, I adopted the following rule:
When negotiating a magical path, the strength of the enchantment determines the number of extra miles per day. So, a Magical Path +10 would mean an extra 10 miles per day. In addition, Hazards targeting the Guide are ignored.
I set the Elf Path as a +10 magical path.
Rich, good to see you remembered that suggestion. "Magical Path" was one of my original rules enhancements for travel, along with "Better Road" which lowered the terrain difficulty by a level. I wrote those back in March, 2012 and called them Location Qualities.
The difference between a magical path and a better road is subtle. If the route is 300 miles in severe terrain, it is effectively 900 miles. A magical path +10 would allow the player-heroes to increase their speed by 10 miles per day, making it 30 miles per day, and their total trip 30 days, rather than 45. That's over 2 weeks in time savings!
If it had been a better road without magic, the effective trip would have been 600 miles and the company would also take 30 days (as if it were a magical path +10).
So, a magical path (+*) allows for greater variance beyond up or down levels in terrain difficulty, AND it ignores Guide hazards.
In any case, I like the idea of adding enticements to leave the Elf-path. Perhaps temptation is attached to Corruption. On the Elf-path, a failed Corruption test means Shadow gain, but failure with an Eye could mean that a player-hero is lured off the path, according to his Shadow weakness. This should lead to
severe or
daunting tests of
Explore or
Hunting to find the companion or the path again. For each failed attempt, the Loremaster could randomly decide which direction they wander, deeper into the forest.