Falenthal wrote:The idea about the rain and the soothing once the thunders pause is beautiful and genius.
In fact, Rich, you can prepare for several situations to make that happen: if your players stalk Mansbane, they can see the scene from afar. If they jump to battle to protect the tower, you can play it during combat.
For the combat situation, it would be wonderful if, after a hero rolls a Gandalf, they notice how the thunders stop for some seconds (Awareness test, or automatic wi'th Quick of Hearing or similar) and, next round, Mansbane doesn't attack and gets no Parry bonus as she stands still.
But if no Gandalf's appear after some rounds (3?), make the pause happen nonetheless.
Agreed. I need to work on the mechanics so I can model this within the game but I see it as working like the battle events that often get described within pre-written adventures and how they interact and trigger after a certain amount of time has passed or the player/LM rolls Gandalf or EoS results.
Falenthal wrote:As for sanctuaries of water where to take her to live and recover, consider several ones the players can choose from: the river Nimrodel in Lórien (if you want to introduce the Golden Wood), or the Lady's Garden from HotW (entwives love garden), the Eagle's Falls look also perfect (HotW p.26), or the Black Tarn where Radagast and the River Maidens can look after her. Even a safe place near the Anduin could work (the Carrock?) or the Enchanted Stream (HotW p.72) with its slumbering magic and the elves watch.
Let the players choose their own option.
Great ideas, thanks!
Falenthal wrote:Just saw in Heart of the Wild that, prior to the Enchanted Stream, in page 75, there's a description of The Roaring Falls. They might also appear at first as a good place to take Mansbane to. But the thunderous roaring, along with the described prophecy of Irimë about a monster and a hero dying as they fall the Falls, can lead Mansbane's story to a sad end.
Hmmmm... Interesting. And sad.