First, let me explain what my goal is:
In our game, Ruithel was not kidnapped by dwarves, but orcs out of Gundabad. I want to make the search for Ruithel a fun challenge, but not just your standard roll 10 successes before 4 failures and you find her. I want to make it dynamic and have the path of the orcs fluctuate, as much as the players. I want to make an "if - then" kind of set up - or search web.
The idea is the players would roll a Hunting test and dependent on the roll, it would take them one direction on the web to whatever pre-positioned encounter, or hazard, or nothing that might be at that location. I have attached a picture to try an illustrate what I am talking about.
So essentially, the party is starting at the circle of called Clan Argil. They made their first successful Hunting skill and it moved them to the first start location of the web. Now, here is where it becomes an issue.
I have run a number of dice tests over the last three days based on a character's hunting skill (3d) and the results are staggering the number of successes for his PC. The predominant number of successes are at the TN's based on the region - 16, 18, and 20. So, it is little challenge for the charcater to follow along the standard challenges to the eventual success of finding Ruithel along the web.
So, I thought I'd do an aggregate based TN for a prolonged action which would require all of the players to roll a hunting roll and the sum of their rolls would determine which direction they moved on the web. For example, everyone rolls and the sum is a 41. I would then compare that to the TN's on the web and a range of 36-39 would be the confluence of the rivers (non-fordable), a 40-41 would be a non-fordable river encounter, and 42+ would mean the right direction AND finding the ford.
This takes out the standard TN's that are becoming increasingly negligible in many instances now. It also would mean a Hope point really does matter and would become a valuable limited resource.
This worked out well, but it removes the value of the EYE , the Tengwar , and the G-rune. My idea being that a great or extraordinary success would make a double step towards finding Ruithel, where a G-rune might make a triple step. What I mean by this is, the players wouldn't be going all the way to Gundabad, having caught up to her along the way. The EYE would mean an encounter or a Hazard...well, in my test rolls EYE 's were a rarity and I thought, what is the fun in that?
I've looked at the standard Journey rules and again, the TN's are kind of becoming a joke. In my test rolls of the feat die and 3 success dice, I hit the Daunting TN 20 six out of twelve times and one of those rolls was considered an Epic result with a G-rune and Tengwar.
Now I don't want to drag the game into some mechanical nightmare, but I would love to have a little exploration into using skill challenges that give neat results. In my pic, you see that if a failed roll out of Argil's camp is made, you go to the confluence of the rivers - and you can't ford there. Well, if I use the standard TN's, I have to jack it up pretty high to make it a challenge and there is no justification for it.
So I am running this out to you guys - what do you all think? What would be a cool play of using skills in this format? How would you tie in the special dice? I would love to see it to get to the point where the PC's might despair and hope needs to play a part. I also want it to reflect that if they DO get a streak of good rolls, that not only are they on the right path of the web, they are catching up to the kidnappers.
So, I am looking to any analytical minded folk out here to see what they might do. If no one has any input, I will just come up with a simple play and move on. But I'd rather have some neat exploration that isn't a railroad, isn't necessarily easy or difficult, but based on chance (and some skill).
I look forward to any input!
Thanks in advance.