Scrolling up there was some commentary on whether on not anyone can look for herbs and if the Herb-Lore trait is required to do so. Here is my take on that ...
Herbs and Healing wrote:Only a character who is proficient in Herb-Lore or Herbal Remedies understands what the right medicinal plant looks, smells and taste like. They are able to find these plants and put them to good use through salves, broths and elixirs.
So whilst anyone can look for herbs, finding the correct
medicinal plants which speed up recovery or form part of the ingredients required for an antidote is another matter. I'm pretty sure that I could identify rosemary, mint, basil and sage if I came across it out in the wild or the local supermarket ... but there is no way I'd be able to identify a plant that has medicinal properties, let alone process it in the correct manner as to actually craft up some medicine.
In the roleplaying game Hugo (my character) could teach other characters about a plant ...
Hugo wrote:You see this plant here? It has five leaves and a purple flower, it's great for pain relief. I can use it to make up some biscuits too. If you see any please cut it like this so as not to damage the leaves or the flower head.
... so others can learn about plants. How to select and cut them can be learnt relatively quickly, but teaching/learning about creating medicine and remedies from herbs and other chemicals would take a condsiderable amount of time. Herb-Lore is as much a vocation as Smith-craft, Woodright or Minstrelsy. There is nothing trivial about the creation and application of herbal medicine, it takes years of study and practice.
That is how I treat Herb-lore in the game.