This game looks awesome & I'm looking forward to it, but I agree with Arthadan - I'm having a difficult time getting past these plate illustrations. I do not recall a single such reference in
The Hobbit chapters concerning the battle. These pix are otherwise very well done & I understand Francesco's view about artistic license, but I respectfully disagree with their interpretation (probably the first time I've disagreed with any of their pix)
Concerning the Gondorian debate, I respectfully disagree as well. Yes, the text describes the "full harness" of the swan-knights, but let's not forget how often the professor wrote metaphorically. Despite his brilliant work, he did not study warfare per se, so we'll probably never have a definitive answer. That said, however, while Tolkien rarely wrote about armour, there is an exception:
The Rohirrim were not 'mediaeval', in our sense. The styles of the Bayeux Tapestry (made in England) fit them well enough, if one remembers that the kind of tennis-nets [the] soldiers seem to have on are only a clumsy conventional sign for chain-mail of small rings.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 280-81.
He wrote this to a fan in simplistic format (& about the Riders & not the Dúnedain), but it emphasizes his interest in the earlier period.