[DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

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[DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Heilemann » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:10 am

Reading through Year 2956, I'm afraid I have to admit that I'm at a loss for how to run make it work at the table. The murder bit isn't a big issue, although I have a few issues with that as well, but the council stuff is just wall-to-wall talking between NPCs. I understand that the PCs are supposed to also be involved with the various factions and have sides to take, but some of the blocks outlining what the talking points are leave me pretty blank in terms of how I'd involve the players.

I'd love to hear some more inspired takes on it.

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Re: [DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Yusei » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:11 am

I think some of the "adventures" are not meant to be played (the folk-moot in the beginning isn't really an adventure either). They are heavily described scenes that can be included in your adventures, or will just become rumors or news your group will hear later, if they were on the other side of the forest.

Also, since the adventures takes place all around the Wilderland, you can't possibly play them all unless you're willing to railroad your players from place to place.

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Re: [DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Rich H » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:47 am

Yusei wrote:I think some of the "adventures" are not meant to be played (the folk-moot in the beginning isn't really an adventure either). They are heavily described scenes that can be included in your adventures, or will just become rumors or news your group will hear later, if they were on the other side of the forest.

Also, since the adventures takes place all around the Wilderland, you can't possibly play them all unless you're willing to railroad your players from place to place.
I think Yusei's spot on regarding this, many of these elements within DoM appear almost to be events that the PCs can observe and witness firsthand within an adventure or a Fellowship Phase rather than true adventures as such. I'd weave them into an adventure I was running, make them an interesting part of a Fellowship Phase, or use them 'off camera' providing the PCs with rumours/news at a later date.
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Re: [DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Heilemann » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:52 pm

Alright, that makes it a little easier to grok. I guess I'm still trying to get a handle on the more loose structure if DoM as compared to some of the other campaign books I've read.

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Re: [DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Yusei » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:59 pm

I have to say I am a bit scared by that loose structure. I'll start running DoM next week and I'm feeling very unprepared. It seems I'll have to write a lot of stuff to blend DoM events with what my groups wants to do. And I have to start in the year 2952, so I'm not even sure how I'll retcon past events in my story.

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Re: [DoM] How would you run 'Murder in Lake-Town'?

Post by Mytholder » Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:57 pm

For the council scenes - don't act out most of the council bits. Just summarise what each vote is about, and let the players ask questions if they want more context. Those questions can lead to roleplaying scenes.

Take the Felling of Timber question = present it to the players as "the Elves are complaining that the Men of Dale are trespassing in Mirkwood and cutting down too many trees. The Dale-men argue that they need timber to build new towns. Which side do you support?" Then, if a player asks if the men are trespassing in the Woodland Realm itself, or in the wild wood of Mirkwood outside the Elf King's domain, you can slip into character as an Elven diplomat and argue that all of Mirkwood is part of Thranduil's kingdom, and even though the Men have not yet cone close to the part of the forest where the Elves yet dwell, it is known that Men breed astoundingly quickly and will devour the forest as they did the East Bight! A line must be drawn now!

You can also have NPCs try to curry favour/threaten the PCs to influence the votes. Mogdred, for example, asks to reopen the Dwarf Road. If the PCs haven't dealt with him before, you could have him approach one of them and ask what the PC wants in exchange for a favourable vote. If they're old enemies of Mogdred, then maybe they could go and persuade other votes of the danger posed by him.

(Not all questions are going to interest all players - I imagine the wars of the Beornings might mean nothing to a Woodman. Focus on issues that affect the PCs.)
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